Chapter Seventeen: PD nim

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"I am telling you, daddy kink is overrated"

"who the hell said that, it's hot"

"it makes me remember my dad and its not great to think of my dad while having sex with someone"

"you call your dad daddy?"

"No but still it does and I'm telling you again blueberry, daddy kink is overrated. It's funny to be honest"

"Don't kink shame in this household you jerk. I'll kick your pinky toe off" the older threatened

"Look at you getting all defensive over it. Okay then you can call me daddy I won't judge you" the ravenette grinned devilishly

It was just after that he was running for his life from an angry blueberry who chased him holding his slipper and cursing at the younger

"You perverted shit! Stop there!" the male shouted making the other laugh and fall down

It was just a simple day in the household where both of them came back early from work and started playing overwatch but somehow their conversion started out about cooking ramen and ended on the daddy kink. How? They don't even know

"Okay okay I am sorry please spare my toes you majesty" he fake cried sitting on the floor

"Oh look at you peasant. I am feeling generous today so I'm letting you go. Don't repeat it" the bluehead said flicking his hair and walking back to the couch. In reality he was tired of running around too much

The ravenette was about to reply when he got a message and it was his manager

Sejin hyung:
Jungkook could you come to the company along with your husband. Don't worry everything is alright Pd-nim just wants to discuss about a few things

"Uh.. Blueberry our manager messaged to me come to the company along with you to discuss something"

"yeah sure I'll get ready but I am driving" the bluehead said and ran to his room before the younger could reply

Soon both of them drove to his company but it was more like Taehyung drove and Jungkook sat in the back making fun of him and Mr. Lim praying for his life throughout the ride

"I told you I was a good driver" the bluehaired male boasted as soon as he got down

"tell that to Mr. Lim who fainted when you took than one turn as if you are Dominic Toretto. Poor man" the younger said pointing at the driver

They woke up Mr. Lim and Taehyung apologized for it before the couple made their way to their CEO's office and waited for him to call them in

"Ah Jungkook you're here and Taehyung it's nice to meet you I am Bang Si-hyuk. Call me Si-hyuk or Pd-nim whichever you're comfortable with" the CEO welcomed them warmly

"It's nice to meet you too Si-hyuk hyung" Taehyung greeted back with an adorable smile just like Jungkook did and the CEO couldn't cooed internally at the couple

"So I called you both here to discuss a few things about your marriage. I know it was sudden for both if you but I am glad you both are dealing it well" he said at the couple but unknown to him the 'dealing it well' couple were apparently pinching each other subtly when the CEO was not looking but nevertheless they smiled at him innocently

"well, to the world you are a loving couple who got married. We decided earlier that you both just have to act lovingly when the paparazzi and media was around taking pictures but there's a slight change in that"

"what change Pd-nim. Everything is going well" the ravenette asked confused

"When your marriage was made public we thought that after a few months the news will die down but it seems that we were wrong. The media and your fans never stopped talking about you guys and most of the days it's a trending topic. We tried to remove the articles but it's of no use"

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