Chapter Three: Friends

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"How's it, I told you that they will accept you and look they did. Congrats kooks" the purple haired male said while looking at the news and comments

"I'm really happy Namjoon hyung I never thought it was this easy. I think we should celebrate this" the ravenette replied excitedly like a little kid

"Jungkook-ah we can celebrate it later. The company is throwing a party anyway. You should call Hana. They all asked to bring your fiancé" yoongi said as he entered the room along with the others

"Yeah we haven't seen her in a long time because of the tour. It will be fun I guess" Jimin hyung added while sitting on the couch between yoongi hyung and hoseok

"she was working when I called her earlier to tell the news. She was really happy hyung I could feel the happiness through the phone" the ravenette giggled

"Look at our Jungkookie being all soft for her. I never in my lifetime thought that he will be marrying this young and that too first in our group to get married" Jin teased the younger

"Hyung, I had no intention on marrying this early. Her father wanted to get her married soon and he was looking for other proposals so I had to make a choice. You already know that" jungkook defended

"we know kook. But even though she is a really nice girl I hope you are making the right decision. You guys only dated for a year and you are too young for a marriage" Hoseok said trying to make the younger understand the importance of his choice

"I.. I am not 100% sure but I really love her and I am not ready to let her go so easily. So if it's upon marriage then be it. I'll face it" the younger admitted in determination

"Jungkookah you sound like walking onto a war zone. I really hope you are happy with this. We only want that"
Namjoon hyung said while laying his head on jin's lap

"I know and I love you guys for that. Anyway I'll go and call her to inform about the party" Jungkook said while going out with his phone

"I don't know whether he is making the right choice.. I feel like he is not free to be himself in this relationship. I don't want anyone to hurt him" yoongi said while looking at the younger's retreating figure worriedly

"I feel the same hyung. I don't want him to be controlled by anyone but I want him happy so if she makes him happy then I am okay" namjoon said as the others hummed in agreement


"taeee. I miss youuu" As soon as the blue haired male answered his phone he was met with the whining of his best friend

"Jiminah aren't you tired after all the world tour and shows. How do you have this much energy" he asked his friend jimin. Yes park jimin from BTS. They were high-school bestfriends who later part their ways, the blonde towards music and the blue haired towards medicine

They had the same dream 'music' but the bluehaired male's family was totally against this unlike Jimin's family who supported him. So in the end the bluehead became a doctor and eventually learned to love his profession

Even though they both are busy and have workloads they once in a while meet up and also talk to each other atleast once or twice every month. It's like a tradition going on for years

"tae, the tour is already over and it has been a week already. I missed our call last month that's why I decided to call my best friend so I saved up my energy for you" the male answered from the other side of the call which brought a smile to the blue haired's face

"I know my dear mochi, I missed you too much. I am having free time now so let's catch up. How are you" he asked

"you say you miss me but you never bothered to come and visit me taetae. It's been years since I debuted and  you didn't even meet my band members or atleast my boyfriends. Wow what a best friend I got and yeah I am fine" jimin complained and taehyung could already imagine the pout the older must be having while saying this

"Sorry chimmy, trust me I really want to meet your members and your really hot boyfriends but I can't help it the day I am free you are busy and vise-versa. Trust me, I want to see you  too. I miss your tiny pinky more though" he replied with a sigh

"I know my pinkie misses you too, our bad luck. We will meet soon okay. We both are in Seoul currently and I'll take a day off for you. I'll come there" jimin suggested

"uh.. I don't want you to miss your work Bubba" tae said

"oh come on taetae, we will meet and that's final. Besides I have a day off tomorrow and it's Sunday. Are you free" he asked excitedly

"yeah.. I guess. Where should we meet" Tae asked his best friend

"at your house. I'll come over tomorrow morning and we can spend the day together. Hobi and yoonie are busy with work and you ditch your boyfriend. Tomorrow is our day" the blonde giggled from the other side

"Yeah I'll ditch him. Tomorrow is soulmates day. I'll cook japchae for you" he replied fondly

"yes! Then let's meet. I have to go now I'll text you later. Take care taetae. I love you byee" jimin said before ending the call

The other just sat there with a bright smile. Even after so many differences and schedules they still remained best friends. The true soulmates.

Next day..

As soon as the alarm went off the blue head woke up forgetting that he had the day off. He walked towards the bathroom but realized that there's no need to rush so he ran back to his bed and landed with a bounce. Well, lucky that he has a room alone. His boyfriend and him had separate rooms as both need work space too.

After continuing his sleep for another hour he slowly got up and did his morning routine before making his way towards the balcony. He loved morning view and calmness while enjoying his tea

"you're up early even though you have a day off" a voice interrupted his morning thoughts

"I couldn't sleep more. I need to make cupcakes. Jimin is visiting today" he replied warmly turning back to see his boyfriend/fiancé

"yeah I know 'best friends time' I am being kicked out of my own house" he whined playfully

"Oh come on, he is my baby before you and we need our time so yes you are being kicked out mister" tae said wrapping his arms around the other

"sure my king" Sung-ho replied pulling the blue haired male closer

"I love you tae"

"I love you too" the younger replied with a smile kissing the other 

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