Chapter Thirty Nine: Busy Birthday

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Two males slept cozily as the morning light peeked through their curtains and the touches of sunshine made their faces more beautiful. The ravenette opened his eyes as the alarm rang aloud while the other male slept unbothered by the interruption.

Not being a morning person, his facial expressions showing the displease of being disturbed in the morning. He stopped the alarm before jumping back to the bed lazily. Yet, he couldn't fall asleep as it seemed like all sleepiness was washed away by the noise.

After tossing and turning around, he gave up his attempts with a soft sigh and sat up sleepily looking at nowhere. Deciding there was nothing to do, he looked at the person who slept by his side. The blue hair, a beautiful mess that covered the male's forehead. His eyelashes casting a shadow over the bread cheeks and his ethereal face which was nothing but a piece of art even while sleeping.

It seemed like he could spend all his time looking at the peacefully sleeping male without a shame but instead of simply staring at him, he leaned in, giving a kiss to the blue hair covered forehead. Finding warmth, the older moved closer until his head rested on the ravenette's chest making the male smile blissfully.

"I can't believe you are mine Tae, I love you so much. I know it sounds cliche, but don't ever leave me or I'll literally die without you" He whispered, lightly caressing the male's waist. He wouldn't ask for anything else in his life. Only for his blueberry.

It was the perfect morning for him just like every day, waking up to see the sleeping figure. Sometimes he would see the blue hair peeking out of the blanket or with one of his legs on the ravenette's thighs or stomach. The little things never failed to make the Idol smile even during the busiest schedules.

"Your are the best birthday gift I could ever get. Thank you for being in my life" he added. It was 23rd birthday and he knew the wonderful wishes and wonderful things his fans and friends would do for him. It was something he would always be grateful for. And now, his first birthday with his husband meant a little more than the previous ones.

The older stirred in his sleep, making a small groan as the indication of waking up. He opened his eyes only to be met with a bunny smile that didn't fail to make his heart fill with warmth even in the sleepy state. He returned a lazy one before latching himself onto the younger like a koala.

"Good morning" he murmured in his deep morning voice, a wonderful contrast to his appearance.

"Morning baby. Slept well?" The Idol asked hugging back the koala with love

" everyday. You are warm and soft even with all these muscles" The older was poking the younger's torso

"Jin hyung would argue with you. He calls me the hulk. Maybe I am just soft for you and also yes, I am warm because I am hot. A very hot man" smugness was very much visible in his words along with a proud face

"Debatable" the sleepy koala gave a loopy boxy smile

"Really? Debatable? I will fight you" threatened the very hot man

"I will very much fight you back but not today because I have a packed schedule for the whole day" the bluehead slowly detached himself before getting up

"W-what? So you won't be home?" The younger asked looking like a kid whose toy was just snatched away

"Yeah, the head doctors have arranged a meeting. The hospital is planning on conducting a workshop for children on mental health. It's not a problem small kids should be worried about but still understanding such things from a young age would help them a lot. You know bullying is so common in schools. There were so many in my school too" The bluehead went all doctor mode, explaining it to the ravenette like a doctor to the kid

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