Chapter Thirty Five: You And I

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"guys.. I think I'm in love with him"

Taehyung blurted out with wide eyes whereas Lisa and Chae had a knowing smile

"sweetie, you don't think. You know you love him. It's too clear even to us who don't see both of you together often but still we can see how whipped you are" Lisa pinched his cheeks

"Still, you don't have to feel pressurized to admit to us tae. It's okay if you don't say anything. We will support you" Chae added

"yeah, we just want you to know you feel. That's the only that matters"

"Y-yeah I know... I love him. I've never considered this because what we already have is perfect and I don't know what to do now. Isn't it too soon?" Tae voiced out with a concern after a few minuted of silemce

"Tae, you guys are married for seven months and that guy looks at you like you are his everything and I've seen you look at him the same way. I am not pressuring you to confess or anything because it's your life. Think about everything and decide on your own about your bunny husband" Chae said and Tae was blushing furiously at the 'you are his everything' part

"what should I do know"

"what do you want to do now" Lisa asked with a smile

"I.. I want to see him. Now" Tae looked at them with a boxy smile

"Then what are you waiting for Tae, go to him. I'll take up your duty for today" Lisa encouraged making the male hug her while Chae joined

"thankyou you so much guys" he mumbled

"anything for you Tae. Now off you go" Chae added and with that the young doctor gathered his bag and rushed out while calling Mr. Lim to pick him up

Soon after Mr. Lim arrived with a worried face seeing the younger

"Tae? Is there any problem? Did something happen? Are you okay" he bombarded the bluehead with questions

"Don't worry everything is fine. Please take me to kook" Tae said and Mr. Lim nodded before they drove away

Throughout the ride Mr. Lim was glancing at the doctor ever now and then searching for any sort of injury but all he could see was a blush adoring his face and a small smile

When they reached their company Tae was about to get out of the car when he turned to the driver with a boxy grin

"I am in love" he spoke before rushing out leaving a dumbfounded Mr. Lim but nevertheless the driver smiled because he felt really happy for both of them

The bluehead walked through the hallways of the building to get to the practice room knowing his husband had practice all day today along with the others. The staffs who saw him immediately smiled warmly seeing the bluehead as everyone adorned him

When he reached near the room he felt nervous and giddy like he was going to meet his high-school. He knew there was no need for being nervous because this was his Jungkook. His husband.

He pushed open the door and was met with loud music playing in the background while the group danced to it

Without disturbing them, he stood there watching the person who meant the world to him. Who barged into his mundane life just to make it wonderful. The idol was solely focused on the music and the dance moves to notice the bluehead watching him with heart eyes.

As the music ended, the first one to see him was Jimin who screeched startling everyone and ran to his best friend. Tae smiled and hugged him back.

"Taetae!" Jimin said loudly and that caught the attention of the ravenette who was engrossed in the dance practice video. He looked up immediately to see his husband standing with his hyung hugging. The blueberry was smiling and yet again he felt himself falling for the older.

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