Chapter 10

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"We must of left it in the bank!"

Jasper pulled a face. "But I'm hungry!"

"Hi Hungry.", Alice said sarcastically I'm Alice. Look, no point complaining. We can't survive without food and water, and we don't have any money. We have to find the van. And fast!"

Luna nodded in agreement. She remembered the time, where Alice was just that shy girl at the back of the class. She had changed so much.
She gazed at the boys. "The van has St.Lupa's written on the side, right? Let's ask the people, who live around here. Maybe they've seen it."
They agreed that that was the best plan and they set off into the village.


"Excuse me sir, have you seen a big white van with St.Lupa's written on it?"

"I'm sorry, young lady. I'm afraid not."

Alice stomped her foot, annoyed. "That's the seventh no already!"
The four sighed and looked around, wondering who could possibly know the answer.
The sun was beginning to set, and the four were slowly panicking.

"Lunette? Alice? Timothy? Jaswinder?"

Luba spun around and looked straight into a friendly pair of brown eyes.

"Gwen!", she exclaimed.

Gwen, the ex-student of St. Lupa's looked at the kids, amused. "Don't tell me you've come looking for us."

"Well...", began Jasper, "we've been in the back of your van..."

Gwen shook her head. "That was dangerous. Anything could of happened."
But then she smiled. "But I guess there's no point telling you to go home, is there?"
Before anybody could answer, she beckoned them with her hand. "Come with us", she invited, "Help us!"

Luna caught Jasper's eye. He winked. Luna turned to Gwen. "We'd love that!"


The four clambered back into the van. Gwen and a boy about her age, Luna guessed it was her boyfriend, smiled and closed the door behind them.

"Can you believe our luck?", said Timothy happily, "I thought we were as good as dead!"

Jasper nodded in agreement. "I think Gwen's really kind. I'm still hungry.", he added as an afterthought.

The others laughed and they settled down to sleep, as the van rattled on.


"Luna! Luna! Wake up!"

Luna's eyes flew open. "What's the matter, Jasper?", she murmured sleepily.

Jasper was waving a scrap of paper in front of her face. "Alice and Timothy are gone! And this scrap of paper was on the floor!"

Luna snatched it out of his hand. Shaking, she read it.

'I have the girl', it read, 'give up your search, otherwise you'll never see her again. T.C.'

"T.C.", said Jasper bitterly, "Timothy Coole. He's the kidnapper! We never should of trusted him!"

Luna stared at the initials, lost for words. T.C. Timothy Coole.

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