A Short Hello!

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- An intro -

To begin with, I've been working on this story since last year after I completed the previous book.

Yet, after writing 25 pages, my mind completely blanked, and I couldn't figure out how I wanted to convey the ideas in my head. A writers block of sorts – I knew the story and how it'd end and how I'd get there, I just didn't like the way I was writing it out. I rewrote the first three chapters a few times before I finally arrived here... I decided to write the first chapters that start the story and give plot in third person and once school begins in the story, we're thrown back into first person as always. I think I like the end result given the first few drafts ngl lol...

It's been in the works for a while and there might only be a few drawings here and there – I'm in school right now and making plans of moving out by next year if I can – so sorry about the lack of art... I hope the writing is enough to help you picture things, though!

After this book, I'm not sure what I'm going to do...

I love this account and the stories (as cringe as some are...)

But I feel like... I've outgrown Hetalia (heck these most recent stories aren't even relating to the show, except for the names and appearances of the characters in the show – nothing is related to the show).

I think I only liked using the characters from this show over any other is because they were such an empty shell full of potential...

Anyways, I do have other ideas in my mind that I want to reach, but I'm not sure if there's much else for me *here,* if that makes sense...

All the writers from my day are gone and all my friends are gone or not as active as they used to be and it's kinda lonely.

Not to worry – my love of writing flourished on this website so dare the day come that I have a cool story that needs writing, I'll return here, where it can be free to read for whoever has stuck around after all this time...

As for this story, I hope the ending gives the series-trilogy?-uh-whatever this is – I hope the ending gives it a satisfying closure.

I hope my writing is also consistent with the last book if you're reading this far into the future when this story has reached its end haha... if not, blame the fact that I haven't reread the previous pieces entirely, I've just scrolled around and checked my notes to make sure I'm making sense.

Since this is the final book, I'm gonna place all the book covers here below, I think this latest one is by far my favourite (totally not being biased here :D)!


The World Unknown - June 2018 - December 2018

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The World Unknown - June 2018 - December 2018

The World Unknown - June 2018 - December 2018

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Primtalia - January 2019 - April 2020

Primtalia - January 2019 - April 2020

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The Great Divide - February 2021 - .......



Thanks for reading, and thanks if you've ever supported me or my works in anyway – ever.

I can't stress how much happiness seeing your responses and how you all interact with my works has brought to me...

Thank you.

Now, let's finish this.

The Great Divide (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now