Our Elder's Expectations

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The Great Divide
Chapter Six
Our Elder's Expectations

Gage rested his head on the palm of his hand as he stared out the window of the carriage in hopes of distracting himself from the pins and needles he felt in his arm where Bliss had fallen asleep on about an hour ago now.

Since his first year at Primtalia, he had always hated going home for the summer, so he had stopped during his second year's summer. He had followed this plan until the end of his fifth year when he had no choice but to go home on account of his father's demands due to the events of the previous summer and school year. This summer however, he had been planning to stay the summer to work as a Protector for one last time, but his plans were once again foiled as his father demanded his attendance at a meeting that was to discuss the future plans and goals of his company.

Despite his father being seated right across from him and just as wide awake as he, the ride was silent and had been silent for the past hour and a half since it began at their home.

The cracking of his father's neck as he stretched out in his seat caused Gage to glance over without the slightest bit of interest.

Even so, his father took it as an opportunity to speak finally since the two had for a short second made eye contact.

"We should be there within the next hour now. Rather long distance given how small our land as a whole is. Rather peculiar, no?"

"I suppose, sir." Gage said, turning to look back out the window, hoping that the small talk would just end with that.

The older man let out a dry cough in response as he reached into his chest pocket, drawing from it a sturdy box with his name, Henry Noxx engraved deep into the side. He pulled from within, an expresso brown cigar. Putting it to his lip, he lit it with the end of his crimson red wand before pocketing both the empty box and his wand.

"To be successful in life, we must often make difficult choices and make unfavorable contracts which will in the end, help us regardless of the sacrifices along the way—"

"Father, I told you and mother everything that happened – word for word, the same words that I told the Headmistress and the ministry officers that questioned me. I know Delun Eltanin had a hand in murdering that kid and ruining Bliss' eyesight and yet you disregarded all of that and you disregarded the severity of it all and you funded a large portion of his campaign and now he's the minister of our land. I thank you again for your judgment."

"With our contract, we are the sole company he is allowed to contract for the manufacturing of wand cores for both his friends and foes, Gage. With our contract – don't you understand – that we are the sole option. There is no longer any competition. We are made for life now." His father said, his voice low and cheerful despite his tone which was filled with either annoyance or frustration for his son who just couldn't see things as he was seeing.

As he puffed the smoke out from his lips, Gage shot a sideways glance out the window, gritting his teeth. There was no arguing against him, and he obviously didn't want to argue to be convinced or to convince, but rather his father only wanted to argue to win.

"I suppose we all have our morals, but if you truly intend on handing me the rights to this business next year, know that things will change, father." Gage responded, choosing his words half-hazardly.

Rather than responding with anger, the man just stared at him as he let out another puff of smoke. He shook his head but smiled nonetheless, "When I had you the rights to this business, Gage, you will be no different than I."

--- Expectations of Her ---

"Straighten up – and brush your hair, you look like you've been running around all day." Ordered Professor Hyenni to her mousy brown-haired son, Darby, who had only just entered the room.

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