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The Great Divide
Chapter One

The day was especially cold this Friday night. The cool air that brushed across Hayden Gold's face felt especially harsh as he pulled his scarf up to cover as much of his face as he could.

The sun hadn't fully risen, so he was forced to keep his arm outstretched - gripping the handle of an iron lantern whose flame flickered with uncertainty, he prayed silently the flame would continue to light his way at least for another minute.

The boy let out a slight cough as he finally came upon a clearing deep within the forest. He knelt down with a shiver and grabbed at a rope attached to a wooden board which were previously covered with leaves.

Pulling the rope with an upwards motion, the wooden board flew up, revealing a ladder.

Adjusting the lantern under one arm, he used the other to grab onto the ladder and begun his decent down after assuring the door above closed properly.

Reaching the bottom, he set the lantern whose flame had now extinguished down on the stone floor beneath. Shaking off the cold from above, he pushed through another door and relaxed slightly as the heat from the room engulfed him.

"Ah, Hayden, we were just talking about you." Lucy Nymp spoke as her eyes followed him across the room.

"We? – oh." He said disappointed as his purple eyes landed on a thin figure who sat on the chair before the girl.

"Don't look so happy now." Spoke the woman, "I might just start thinking we're on the same side..." She paused before grinning to herself and adding, "Morally."

"Oh come now you two, a friend of a friend is a friend of mine." Lucy said, her smile emitting warmth as her eyes met the woman's.

"Yes, my dearest Eltanin sure has a way with words. I am quite fond of his proposals for my brothers and sisters." The woman said enthusiastically.

"On that note, Miss Liliana, you did mention that currently there a total of two vampires on the other world?" Lucy asked, turning her focus solely on the woman.

Hayden made his way over to the table to pour some coffee as he listened to them converse.

"No. Just the one, Damion - he's quite the adrenaline junkie. The rest are in hibernation, it's easier to feed during the colder periods in the other world." She answered.

"It gets colder than this?" Hayden commented, staring down at the coffee in his mug.

"Yes – their summers get quite hot and sunny unlike ours. Definitely weather they should avoid." Lucy answered before turning back to Liliana, "Apologies, he's never visited the other world aside from the once."

"The once?" She intrigued.

"A mission to... Caver... No – Camerday?" She wondered.

"Chamberlay, and that was a good three years ago." He answered, setting the mug down after having had a single gulp and finding the taste utterly putrid.

"My dear Eltanin always inquires the oddest pupils to achieve the most... peculiar missions, doesn't he, my boy?"

"That, I can agree upon." He said.

She smiled slightly, "Three years you have been working with my Eltanin? How old are you, Gold?"

"He's seventeen!" Lucy answered in his place.

Hayden shot the girl a glare before continuing, "Mr. Eltanin and my mother were close since their school days, so after she died when I was around nine, he took me in as a favor to her."

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