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The Great Divide
Chapter Nine

After the welcoming ceremony, the night before, we were given our schedules for the semester by our prefects before heading to sleep. As I was beyond drained emotionally and to a lesser extent, physically, I folded the paper in my bag and went straight to bed. Come morning, with the exception of new and lost first years, the rest of us were left to our own devices to get around and find our way.

"So what'dya got?" Arin asked as she plopped herself across from me with her schedule in hand.

"Take a look." I said, handing my still folded paper over as I dug into my food.

"So, you've got charms, dark arts, double potions again, and astrology after dinner... Hm?"

"Hm what?" I asked, glancing up at her as she double read something off my paper before looking at hers as well.

"I thought it was a typo on my schedule, I was going to ask a professor after my herbology class, but you have it too! Look-" She handed back my paper and pointed to a word written under Saturday's column, it read, "Zenashim from 6 pm to 9 pm."

"I have it too, but none of the girls I asked last night had it, so I thought it was an error." She explained, pointing to her own schedule.

"I've never heard of a class like that, much less on a Saturday?" I replied, rereading the name in my head in hopes that something I read over the break would help ring a bell.

"Good morning ladies." Dylan waved as he and Alfred came over, sitting down with us.

"Morning honey!" Alfred said, giving a side hug as he sat down.

Schedules already in hands, they both set them down.

"Alright, so what are ya'll taking?" Alfred asked, setting his head on my shoulder to read over my paper.

"We have charms, dark arts, one potions and – oh! Sick! You've got it too then!" Alfred said with a sudden burst of energy.

"You've got the Zenashim class too?" Arin asked, her eyes widening with curiosity.

He nodded.

"I've never heard of a class like that, I thought it was a remedial course since he's stupid, but if you're both taking it, I'm not sure what it could be." Dylan commented, his eyes glazing over our schedules with some curiosity.

"Zen...a...shim..." I murmured aloud, trying to recall every word I had ever read.

But nothing.

"It's not even that big of a deal, it was years ago and no one even cares?" Vlad's voice boomed as he made his way over to the table.

"I remember – it's a big deal to me and if you can't acknowledge my feelings, maybe the issue is with you." Analie's voice followed.

"Whatever." Vlad huffed as he sat down next to Arin.

"Whatever!" Analie mocked, giving an eye roll as she stormed off towards a different table where she promptly sat and began whispering to her friends about what had just occurred.

Everyone's eyes glazed over at Vlad, he was frowning as his food.

"Dude, what was that? Another fight?" Alfred asked.

"I actually don't wanna talk about that right now. What are you all up to?" He asked with a huff.

"Um, well," Arin began softly, "We were just talking about what our classes are for this year."

"Hm? Oh!" He said, a sudden change of tone as he reached into his pocket, fetching a heavily crumbled paper.

"Catch!" He said, gently tossing it to me. I caught it, unrolling it to read as he commented, "Analie crumbled it up after seeing we don't have any classes together this time."

Eyes widening slightly, I pressed my lips together, catching Arin's eyes. She had the same weary expression. This was definitely a conversation I didn't want to partake in.

Looking over the paper, my eyes immediately moved to Saturday, where to my surprise – "Zenashim!"

"Huh?" He wondered.

Alfred, Dylan, and Arin quickly popped their heads closer to mine as I laid the paper flat on the table. Their eyes were all drawn to the curious word under Saturday.

"This is getting interesting, isn't it?" Arin said under her breath.

"What's interesting about it?" Vlad asked, still out of the loop.

"All of us except Dylan have this class – " Alfred said, pointing to the word, "We aren't sure what it is or why we have it."

"Analie has it too, we assumed it was some sort of advanced tarot reading class... It isn't then?"

"Not that we know of..." I answered.

Vlad leaned over the table, taking a look at everyone's schedule for a moment before looking back and forth at his schedule then mine, then his again.

A spark suddenly lit up in his eyes as he pointed to both of our schedules, "Look! They're identical!~"

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