The Pranksters

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The Great Divide
Chapter Five
The Pranksters

About two hours after practicing my spellcasting, I finally gave up for the day. Both my failures and the cold were starting to become too much to bear. I stuffed the book and my wand back into my bookbag and headed down the stairs for lunch.

Heading down and into the dining hall, I quickly noticed how much louder, packed, and warmer it felt than the previous weeks. There were finally students, the sight made me feel excited as I looked around for Arin's face.

It only took a few minutes of me wandering without direction before I heard someone call out my name. Turning in the direction of the voice, my eyes immediately focused on Dylan who stood up and waved his arm at me to come over.

Skipping over towards his table, was Arthur who quickly stood up to receive my tight "Welcome back, I missed you," hug before doing the same to Dylan.

"Where's everyone else at?" I wondered, taking my seat.

"Alfred's on the way, he lost his wand like the idiot he is, so we went on ahead." Arthur replied less than enthusiastically, "I'm not sure about the twins or Peter, but after even spending just this morning getting here with them, I don't care what happens to them anymore."

"That bad?" I asked, hiding my laughter behind my hand.

With that, Arthur's head collapsed in his arms as he let out a miserable groan and Dylan, with wide eyes nodded profusely. "You should've been there! No – wait, perhaps it's better you weren't."

"What happened? Now I'm super curious." I snickered.

"So last night, mom was complaining about how cold the weather was and Peter mentioned how the lake was frozen over too and that was that - we went to sleep, and no one thought anything about it, right?"

"Uh... Right?" I said with a bit of confusion.

"Kay, so come morning and we're woken up around five in the morn – before the sun even came out - to shouting from downstairs and so dad runs down to the front door to find this lady who lives across the lake complaining and yelling about the lake, which was weird, right?"

"Right!" I replied, this time more encouragingly.

"So she shouts some profanities yelling that she's had enough with our 'witchcraft' and 'misfortune' that we bring onto the world, which again, was weird! Well anyways, long story short, I end up waking up and go outside with dad since he doesn't trust those vampire freaks anyways and we go to the lake that she was shouting about, and all the ice had melted!!" He shouted, with as much enthusiasm and surprise as he must've had when he had first seen it.

"So...?" I wondered as he bounced in place as if holding back the best part.

"So, Seamus and Alroy thought it'd be a fun surprise to steam up the entire lake with some spells, just enough to be able to swim in and have fun in the morning, but they underestimated the spells they were using for that stuff and they ended up causing the whole lake to boil!"

"It was stupid... So stupid... Of all the stupid things they have done, this one takes the cake for the week." Arthur groaned, propping his chin up on his arms.

"Then what happened?" I wondered smiling more.

"Dad had to wake mom up so they could stop the lake from boiling since the vampire kept complaining but it was so funny! Actually, it might've been fun if you had seen their faces when mom and dad were yelling at them because that was funny!"

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