The Bird Flies At Dawn

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The Great Divide
Chapter Two
The Bird Flies At Dawn

Despite the freezing temperatures the previous few days, Saturday's sun was warm.

The air still felt brisk, but it wasn't out of the ordinary and nothing that a sweater and a blanket couldn't fix.

______ tucked her hair behind her ear as she leaned over a heavy book of advanced hexes. While many caught her eye as she skimmed through, she only made a mental note as she searched for one in specific. One which, despite dating him, she wouldn't dare ask him to teach her out of respect of what had happened at that very school only two years ago right before school begun.

"Explosion jinx... Explosion jinx..." She repeated under her breath as she flipped page by page until she reached the end.

Of course it wouldn't be so easy.

Tossing the book back into her back, she let out a huff and opened her notebook, writing in the book name and author before writing an X besides it.

Her eyes skimmed the names of the previous seventy-eight books she had thus far encountered and denounced in her search. Thus far, the closest explosion-type spell she had found was one which, when cast upon a bottled drink, would cause the lid to explode right off, thus saving you the trouble of dealing with a suborn lid.

Utterly useless as it was, she still learnt it out of spite.

At the sound of creaking wood, she turned her head to see the wooden door that lead to the staircase down open up. As the door shut, she gave a small smile and "Morning," as Darby Hyenni came into view.

Darby Hyenni was a sixth year Ailat student, being just ahead of _____.

He was one of the handful of students brave enough to stay at the campus during the summer. Although ______ never quite cared to ask the specifics of why, she brushed it off as either because his mother was staying on campus during that time as there was now much higher security – or perhaps it was due to that shiny badge that he never bothered to take off his chest since he got it.

Prefect Darby Hyenni of the Ailat house.

"You sure like to get up pretty early." He said, stretching his arms out in front of him.

"It's ten, Darby." She pointed out blankly.

"Yes... Well, classes haven't begun yet so who's keeping track, really?"

"I am! Classes start Monday and I'm actually pretty nervous." She admitted.

"What's got you worried? The people?" He wondered.

She nodded, slowly at first before accepting that she was safe enough to confide in him, "I'm still on the lookout for whoever else was working with Lucy, Natalia, and Arin. I still haven't the slightest clue though."

Darby nodded to show he was listening. She continued, "At least during the summers, I'm able to feel more relaxed because there aren't a lot of people here and you were here, so I felt okay, but when they all come back... What if they get me when I'm not expecting it?"

"I'm sure whoever it was, the professors dealt with it without telling you so you wouldn't get worried about it." He suggested.

"But why wouldn't they just tell me? I think I'd be more relaxed if I knew who was trying to kill me!"

"Oh come on, don't be stupid, they weren't trying to kill you. Well, at least Natalia was. But I'm sure if the others wanted you dead, they'd have done so by now." He said, as though that made her feel any better. Seeing the expression of worry on her face, he went pink as he tried to backpedal, "I mean- look – you're tough. I know as well as anyone just how much you've been practicing your magic this summer alone. You're talents are incredible."

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