Ring of Protection

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The Great Divide
Chapter Ten
Ring of Protection

The warmth that had not been felt quite like this came from Lucy's wand.

It was the first time in months that both she and Hayden were finally back in town with the ability to freely use their wands without fear of being caught.

Despite Delun Eltanin telling them both directly that they had nothing to be afraid of anymore, only Lucy took it to heart as she used her magic even for the smallest of things – like turning the pages of her magazines to doing her hair.

Hayden however, still felt weary.

This wasn't helped by the people who would often enter the house they were staying at before leaving just as fast as they had come.

Leaving the room he and Lucy were told to share, he wandered into the hallway on the second floor of the building. Photographs that told the story of a picture-perfect family covered the wall from the door of the guest room down to the top of the staircase.

A man, his wife, and a small baby.

Hayden walked a few steps towards the staircase, taking in all the photographs before he felt eyes on his back. Turning, he met her eyes.

He gave a faint smile, nodding towards her, "Good morning, Persephone."

She smiled just as timidly as she had in the photos that lined the walls.

"Good morning Mr. Hayden. How are you?"

"Feeling much warmer, that's for sure. And you? How's your cold?" Hayden inquired.

"I'm feeling much better. Father's not taking me to school until tomorrow, however. He wishes to see me rest one last day to assure the cold is completely gone." She said, giving a sniff.

"Your father cares about you." He replied, watching as she shrugged in response.

"How long are you two going to stay here? Are you going to go back to school?" She wondered.

"I doubt it. I dunno how much more that place can teach me after all this experience the real world has given me." He responded, a bit too honestly.

"Still... It's a shame about the rumors everyone says. You and Lucy aren't mean at all." She replied.

Hayden opted not to speak this time. Rather, he let out a deep breath as he looked down at the girl. Her dark eyes reminded him of _______ when she had returned to the school again. The sudden thought made his stomach turn. There was no escaping what all he had done to her – to everyone.

"At least I can see Mr. Shen from now on. Father likes his company." She sighed, "But he's mean. He pinches my ears."

"It's to make sure there's no pixies in your ears." He teased.

"I'm not stupid. I know pixies don't hide in ears." She said, rolling her eyes.

"They don't – if you pinch the ears." He replied, letting a small smile escape.

She squinted in response before frowning and rubbing her ears, suddenly unsure of herself.

"Is your father still busy?" Hayden asked, changing the topic.

She gave a nod, "He'll be free for a while after lunch if you need to speak with him."

"I see – well, thank you. That's a few hours from now so I'm going to close my eyes for a little. You should rest as well. Tomorrow is a big day for you." He said, giving her a soft smile.

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