Our First Day Together

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The Great Divide
Chapter Eleven
Our First Day Together

Regardless of the questions churning within me about who our new headmaster could be and what exactly it was that Darby and I saw that day in the office, I was excited to finally start classes. A feeling which I knew would disappear as soon as I got my first homework assignment.

After breakfast, Vlad walked to find Analie to walk her to her first class and everyone else said their goodbyes until lunch except for Alfred and I who as it turned out, shared a charms class for our first block.

The classroom was on the second floor of the building, the staircase leading up to it was just outside of the dining hall, where it seemed most of the foot traffic in the building appeared.

The charms classroom itself, meanwhile, was a standard size with five round tables filling the room with five chairs at each table. By the time we entered, only two tables had students settling down in them already.

Alfred and I found a table in the back and promptly claimed it as our own.

"You've been practicing spells all break, so this should be an easy A, don't'cha think?" Alfred asked, getting comfortable in his seat.

"I hope so... But the spells I've been practicing are more for defensive and offence, I'm not sure how polished my spellcasting is in this regard." I admitted.

His smile never wavered as he gently punched at my shoulder before moving to hold my hand in his. The suddenness of it caused me to blush as I returned the smile he was giving. Despite him being away the entire summer, any bitterness of my loneliness I might have felt evaporated as the safety of his presence filled me with confidence and warmth.


We both jumped as we looked forward, wide eyed at the source of the sound.

Lovino, who stood across the table from us stared down at the two of us with a mixture of disgust and secondhand embarrassment. On the table in front of him, his heavy bookbag had been dropped to get our attention.

"Look." He said after what felt like an eternity. "If I sit here, you two aren't going to start every class with... whatever that was, right?"

"H-Hand holding?" I asked, feeling my face grow hotter than before.

"Oh? Jealous, are we? I can hold your hand too, come here big bo—AGH!" Alfred didn't even have the chance to finish his joke before Lovino had the time to shove his bookbag at him, causing him to plummet backwards, off his chair.

I couldn't help but freeze and watch it happen.

Seeing he was alright as he effortlessly tossed the bag off himself and onto the table, I let out a giggle but did my best to cover it with my hand.

"Tired? Why are you on the ground?" Vlad's voice called out as he walked over to the empty seat between Lovino and I.

"I was just admiring the gum on the bottom of the table here is all." Alfred joked before getting back up and sitting down.

"If you want gum, there's more hygienic ways to retrieve some." Lukas spoke suddenly as he took the remaining seat at our table. From his pocket, he dropped a piece on the table in front of Alfred. He happily took it while Lukas turned towards the rest of us to offer.

"Good to see charms will swing by quickly, I'm liking our setup!" Vlad said happily as he looked around.

"Eh, if I had to choose, I'd replace you in a heartbeat." Lovino commented with a short glare in Vlad's direction. He could only give a curt laugh before everyone's attention was drawn by the professor who entered the room.

The Great Divide (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now