A Pact for Two

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The Great Divide
Chapter Twelve
A Pact for Two

"Today's lesson was such a drag." I huffed out as Lovino, and I headed out.

"Yeah, but hey, at least now we know that using this stupid potion without Ministry approval is illegal." Lovino replied, letting out a yawn.

"Seriously – I'm just glad that we have our dinner break now. I never thought I'd be put to sleep in a potions class of all classes." I complained.

He gave a nod in agreement. "I've got herbology after dinner, is that where you're headed after too?"

"Ah, not me, but if my memory serves me right, Arin should be there with you." I replied, "I'll be in astrology tonight."

"Astrology?" Lovino scoffed, "You realize that class is optional so why are you taking it in place of something useful like herbology? If you took that at least you would be there with me."

As we headed out the door and down the hall, my mind was preoccupied suddenly with trying to recall whether or not I had signed up for that class myself or if it was just given to me. "I don't remember signing up for it, actually, but reading the sky's ought to have some real world use I'd imagine, otherwise I'm sure they would have done away with it some time ago."

Lovino opened his mouth once again to speak but as Darby approached from behind and began to walk besides us, he got distracted.

"Hello, you two." He greeted, "Um, Lavino, was it?"

The brunette opened his mouth to correct him, but stopped short of, "it's-"before cutting himself off with a sharp sigh, "what do you want?"

Darby cocked a brow; he was clearly taken back by Lovino's tone.

"Antonio mentioned you earlier in conversation, I think he might have needed something." He explained, motioning down the hall behind us with his dull grey eyes.

I glanced over to Lovino for only a split second before he had already turned 180 degrees on the spot and walked away without another word. Not even to question Darby for more context. I could only roll my eyes as I smirked over towards Darby who replaced Lovino's spot besides me.

"Antonio didn't mention him at all today." Darby spoke so nonchalantly as he watched Lovino disappear into the crowd behind us in search of Toni.

I tilted my head as I furrowed my eyes brows over towards him, "Why lie, did you need to talk about something?"

"Nothing that I don't care if he listened into but I like being with you one-on-one." He explained so coolly. As his eyes met my gaze, the dullness from before seemed to have disappeared. They suddenly just seemed plain. No hidden meanings in his eyes.

"I know you're probably hungry, but I was curious if you had a few minutes to spare before we split off?" He proposed.

"Don't you want to just talk over a meal?" I suggested, to which he shook his head.

"I prefer some privacy; I know how popular you are amongst your other friends." He explained with a slight annoyance in his tone as he glanced over my head and looked into the dining hall.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at him, "You and I have gotten so close over this school break, I don't know if you're just nervous to make new friends or what, but if you just gave them a try, you might find that you actually like them."

"I probably would, but this is going to relate to..." He trailed off for a moment before leaning in closer to me, I could smell the scent of his cologne as he whispered, "This is about our new Headmaster."

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