The Seer's Visions

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The Great Divide
Chapter Eight
The Seer's Visions

As she gained consciousness, the girl's fingertips scrapped along the dirt beneath her. As the brisk air hit her face, her eyes instantly opened wide.

The trees above her stood tall and thickly branched, barley hiding the moon as it shone through above.

For a moment, Bliss was starstruck as she laid in the cool dirt. The leaves on the trees gently danced in the wind as she stared up. For a moment, she didn't realize where she was, nor did she care. Her mind was blank.

Only after hearing the sound of leaves crunching in the distance, did she blink a few times, siting up with a start as she looked around, now fully aware of her surroundings.

Getting to her feet, she noticed a haze in the air – she immediately collapsed against a tree before hitting the ground again. In the distance, the sound of crackling leaves stopped as though something was listening in on what was happening.

Trying to understand her situation, she remained still on the ground, focusing instead on the sound in the distance and trying to regain the movement in her legs again.

Only after hearing the sound of crackling leaves did she attempt to stand again. Her legs wobbled, but she held onto the tree for support this time.

Taking another step, the thickness of the air increased, the coolness in the air replaced with an intense heat. Still, she maintained her weight against the tree and took another step forward. The trees around her began to blur around her.

Another step, and the sound of leaves moving behind her caught her attention.

Immediately, as she glanced down to follow the source of the sound. Seeing a long deep green snake, the cold air quickly returned but the haze faded. She stared with curiosity as the snake slithered passed her and further into the woods.

Concerns of the haze faded out of her mind as she followed behind the snake. Step after step, the fact that she had no idea what she was heading towards never crossed her mind. It took a few seconds which felt more like minutes as her heart pounded in her chest before he snake came to a sudden stop – shifting and contorting its green body before it completely flattened out like a ribbon and laid eerily still on the ground just feet from where she had stopped to lean against a tree to catch her breath. She stared in dismay as she tried to make sense of her situation.

Staring ahead at the still ribbon, the sound of laughter alerted her to turn around. Where the sound of laughter originated floated by two pale blue, ghostly, blurred figures. She watched as the two mumbled incomprehensible to each other as they approached the ribbon. One touched the ribbon as it floated above it, and after letting out a shriek of confusion, the second figure looked around before moving forward where its acquaintance had just been. As it moved above the ribbon – it too, disappeared immediately.

The surrounding woods were just as dense as when she had arrived, but not knowing what to make of the current situation, Bliss made her way to the ribbon and knelt down, touching it momentarily only to feel the familiarity of a warp as she was teleported somewhere unknown.

Regaining her senses of her surroundings, she found herself in the middle of the forest again – had she not teleported after all? She thought to herself without speaking as she searched the ground for the ribbon, but it was nowhere in sight.

The sound of a shriek caused her to jump out of her skin as she looked towards the source of the sound, only to be hit with the immediate smell of decay. An odor so strong, so vile, so disgusting, she quickly covered her nose and mouth with the cuff of her dress to try to cover the smell of death that loomed around her.

The longer she stood still, the stronger the smell got until she had no choice but to retreat, once again collapsing against the trees that surrounded her for support as she focused all her energy on keeping her legs from swaying in different directions as she moved.

Sensing her retreat, the forest around her seemed to shake furiously as though something was chasing after her – quickly gaining on her as she struggled to barley move feet at a time until finally, she collapsed into a deep pool of water with her eyes squeezed tight.

Gasping for air, she came out of the other side of the pool of water only to find that as she opened her eyes – the world around her was completely dark aside from a floating orb of light just inches from her face.

She reached out to push it away, but it moved as she sat up and rubbed the sweat from her face with her cold hands. Aside from the sweat, she quickly noted she was completely dry.

"You woke me up," A soft voice groaned, causing the light to bounce around to show emotion.

"I'm sorry, Tisya." Bliss sighed out as she pushed her covers off and sat with her feet dangling off of the bed. She reached out on the table beside her bed, slowly moving her hands around until she felt her bottle of water. She quickly drank as though she hadn't had anything to drink in quite some time.

The floating orb remained where it was as though it was watching her. Despite the fact she was unable to see Analie, she knew she was still there thanks to the orb.

"Was it a nightmare?" She asked, trying to make some conversation, more so out of frustration that she was unable to sleep again rather than mere curiosity.

"I don't know." She admitted before taking another long drink from her bottle.

Neither girl said a word, rather the emptiness in the atmosphere was filled with the sound of Bliss's heavy breathing and the occasional shuffle as one of the girls shifted in her bed.

"How bright is that?" Bliss asked, pointing towards the floating orb.

"Not very," Tisya responded, drawing the orb closer to her, and setting it on her bedside table.

"Oh, it's a candle." Bliss whispered, watching as it was extinguished with a single blow.

"So, you woke me up with your panting. Were you being chased or something?" Tisya asked, not caring if her questions would accidentally wake someone else up too.

"I think so," Bliss answered, "though it was blurry then and now I can't remember much."

Tisya shifted in her bed so that she could lay down comfortable while facing Bliss and her bed, "What can you remember?"

As she took another final drink of the water, she pressed her lips together in thought.

"I remember... Having this exact dream before. More than a few times, actually. They started after I lost my eyesight." She answered, having considered the question for a good minute, "It always starts with a green snake," she said before quickly changing her answer, "or perhaps it was a rope or a string or something like a snake. And then, there's screaming and then, running, but I always wake up before I ever outrun it."

"Is it a vison then?" Tisya asked, this time with more lively interest in the conversation.

"Gage thinks so... And so do my parents and so do the professors. I've told them about it before over the summer and last year when this started, but the visions aren't ever clear and when I've tried to summon the visions through traditional seer methods... Nothing." She said, sounding disappointed.

Tisya didn't respond immediately, rather she turned to lay on her back as she closed her eyes, "Well... You didn't lose your sight in a traditional sense either, did you? So maybe you have to find a new method to see your visions clearly."

As the silence of the night filled the room once more, Bliss pondered on her words as she too fell back asleep.

"A new method, huh?" She wondered.

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