Potion Brewing

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The Great Divide
Chapter Fourteen
Potion Brewing

Just like that, it was already Thursday afternoon.

"Am I crushing the ingredients or brewing?" Lovino inquired as he neatly arranged the ingredients for the Aim's Antidote, the most effective of the three truth telling potions.

______ studied the ingredients as he continued to move them around on the desk. It was: three snakeheads, a small pin, and a viper's tooth. Pressing her lips together for only a moment, she found herself drawn to the mortar and pestle. Lovino gave a quick nod and pulled the cauldron onto his side of the desk before disturbing his organization progress and handing his desk partner the ingredients.

The girl began with the tooth as it was the hardest of the items to crush to a dust. As she focused in on her work, pushing her weight down onto the stone handle of the pestle, she began on crushing the viper's tooth bit by bit. All the while, Lovino lit a flame below the cauldron before he grabbed the pin that sat before her and lifted it above the cauldron along with his left hand.

He took in a deep breath before squeezing his eyes shut tightly and stabbing the pin right into the inside of his palm. Letting out a few curse words under his breath, he inhaled sharply as the pain caused him to jump as he pulled the pin right out.

A dot of blood began to poke its head through the cut in his flesh before it began to drip down and right into the center of the heating cauldron.

"Language." Professor Wellix laughed to himself as he appeared besides the boy, smiling as he observed the progress at their table.

As the professor moved foreword to the next table, Lovino gave an eye roll as he tossed the pin aside. He poured in half a bottle of claro water and rose his wand to begin the mixing progress.

Some minutes later, _____ let out a groan as she let her arms fall to her side.

The tooth had finally been turned to fine dust. Lovino grabbed it with his left hand, keeping his right hand stirring the potion inside. Little by little, he poured in the dust before handing the mortar back to the girl so she could crush the three snake heads.

She shook her head with a smile before she got back to it, dropping in the heads one by one to begin the crushing once more. However, to her pleasure, the heads had been softened since their time in storage, so as soon as she pressed the pestle to each head, a satisfying crunch was heard before they disintegrated beneath the pressure placed unto them.

One... Two... Three... Done.

Their ashes were poured into the cauldron and Lovino continued his steady stirring for another ten minutes before the potion began to hiss and bubble. It's color turning from a dull and lifeless grey to a sudden bright and eerie crimson red.

"Wonderful color, such beauty in this shade." The Professor commented, this time causing Lovino to jump slightly as he had been so focused on the stirring that he had not even noticed the heavy footsteps of the professor as he had been slowly approaching from behind.

"It just needs a few more minutes then we can leave it to simmer overnight, yes?" ______ asked despite knowing the answer would be yes. The Professor nodded, "It's still early, so if you so choose you can assist another table or you two can both leave early. I understand dinner comes next however, so if I were in your positions, I already know what I will have decided to do." He replied with a laugh.

_____ smiled over at Lovino who returned an all too pleased smile back.

"Then I, shall clean this up!" She spoke, grabbing the mortar and pestle and taking them to the sink in the back of the class. After washing both items and setting them aside to dry, she returned to her desk finding Lovino all ready to leave as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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