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The rest of the evening passed quietly. Both kile and Karen were involved with preparations for their big meeting this week. No words were spoken about Mel, but it was obvious that she was on their minds. Neither one of them knew what Mel meant by her threat. Maybe it was just that an empty threat brought on by anger, or was it. Neither Kile nor Karen knew what Mel was capable of.

It was Monday morning the next day after their meeting with Mel in Central Park. Kile and Karen are back to work at Global International. Neither Kile nor Karen slept well the night before. Thoughts of the scene with Mel in the park the day before, kept popping up making sleep impossible. The surprise and hurt in Mel's eyes kept playing over and over again in their minds. Kile stopped by his friend Dave's desk for a little chit chat.

"Hey Dave," Kile said in a very toneless voice.

"Hi Kile, Uh, Oh, what happened? Did you spend the weekend alone again? Poor baby, you really need to get a girlfriend Kile. Hey maybe Karen McGowen is available. I don't think the North Pole will miss her much."

"Ok, Ok, Dave I know you know about Karen and I."

"WHAT! You and Miss McGowen are making snow angels on top of one another? Of course I know Dave. I have eyes. But I must tell you that you guys do hide it well. I just happen to be extremely perceptive about this kind of thing so there was no fooling me."

"Ok, Miss Sherlock Holmes I'm admitting to it. But, that's not what I want to talk to you about." Kile walks into Dave's little office and closes the door. Kile tells Dave the full story about Mel from the day at the Amusement Park to yesterday at Central Park.

"Holy Shit, said Dave, it sounds like this girl got pretty caught up and now she's hurt Kile. There's no telling what she might do. I don't know if she has a history of harassment or stalking but if she does, you guys are in for it. You don't have any rabbits do you?

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You mean you've never seen the movie, Fatal Attraction?"

"Dave you watch too much TV."

"Yeah maybe I do. Hey ya know something, that club you just told me about, someone else was talking to me about that place awhile back. I can't seem to remember who it was though, it'll come to me. Now about this woman, all I can say is keep your eyes open. She may try and cause some trouble and then again she may not. If she is the type to want to teach you a lesson then she may want to do something to make you look bad in front of your friends, family or even the job. Now we have this big client to deal with this week, the last thing we need is some crazy showing up here making a scene."

"You're right Dave I hope it does not come to that. Enough about me, how was your weekend?"

"Well Friday night I hung out with Mary from finance. You know Mary, the one that wants to do things to you in bed. I didn't want to but I promised her I would. She had this Mixed Martial Arts competition at the gym she goes to. So I kind of told her I wouldn't mind seeing one of her fights, Friday was the one."

"So, how was it?"

"Listen, Mary is the real deal. In the second round she got the other girl in this submission hold. I thought she was going to break the girls arm off. Her opponent had to tap out, in other words surrender, submit, what ever they call it, or Mary was going to take her arm off."

"Wow, she sounds dangerous."

"Tell me about it. Hey come to think of it, you might want to keep her close bye just in case crazy Mel shows up."

"That would be a good idea but I don't think crazy Karen would go along with it." They both start to laugh. "Let me get back to my office Dave and try to get some work done. Thanks for letting me get this mess off my chest." Kile leaves Dave's office and happens to run into Mary down the hall.

"Hi Kile," said Mary.

"Oh Hi Mary, Kile responded."

"Kile when will you have time look at my briefs," Mary says with a smile?

"This week Mary I will need that information you have been gathering on our perspective client."

"Whenever you want it Kile it's yours."

"Kile clears his throat and says, I'll get back to you soon on that." Mary turns slowly and walks away with a smile on her face. Kile heads over to his office and when he gets there to his surprise there is a bouquet of a dozen beautiful long stem roses. He picks up the card that came with them and it just simply said from me. Kile thought that Karen was taking a bit of a chance sending roses to him at the office, but in light of what had been going on with Mel, Kile figured that Karen was just trying to brighten up his day. He sat at his desk trying to figure out what he could do for her to return the favor, when his office phone rang. It was Karen.

"Hey sweetheart," said Kile.

"Hi baby, said Karen, I just want to thank you for the roses. They really helped to cheer up my mood."

"What do you mean? I was going to thank you for the roses you sent me," said Kile.

"I didn't send you any roses Kile."

"Well, who sent these roses to my office then? And who sent the roses to your office, I wonder?

"I thought it was you."

"Not me, said Kile. This is crazy. The note that came with the flowers said from Me, I just assumed it was you."

"Kile I think I know who sent the flowers, said Karen. It must have been Mel."

"You're right, this is not good because it's spilling over to our work place now." At that moment Kile's cell phone rings.

"Hello,"said Kile.

"Hi Kile did you and Karen get the roses I sent," said Mel?

"Yes, we got them, but Mel we do not want you to send anything to our work place like that again, Kile said with a stern voice."

"Ok, Don't have a cow, said Mel. I wanted to do something nice.

"Listen Mel Karen and I were serious yesterday. We are not interested in a relationship with you. Whatever you think we have is a mistake and a pure misunderstanding."

"Well let me tell you something that I understand. Love is not a mistake and when people are lucky enough to experience it the way we did, it must be allowed to grow and develop, explained Mel."

"Mel, I'm going to be as plain and direct as I can so that you get it. Leave us alone! Goodbye!" Kile ends the call on his cell. Karen was still on the office phone and although she only heard one side of the conversation she knew who was on the other end. Kile picks up the office phone to talk to Karen.

"Hey, I just got a call from...................

"I know who, said Karen. I heard the conversation and figured it was her? Kile I'm starting to worry. She doesn't seem to get it."

"What we're going to do for now is just ignore her. We do not except any of her calls and anything sent to the office for us, we send back. After a few days of that she should get the message."

"Ok, that sounds like a plan, but suppose she doesn't get it?"

"We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it."

The work day went on as usual for the company, but for Kile and Karen it was anything but usual. Mel was in an obsessive frame of mind right now. Kile and Karen's phones were constantly ringing and Mel's caller ID kept coming up on both of their phones. 

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