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It's later on in the evening, Karen and Kile are at Karen's apartment. They are about to call Mel to arrange a meeting at Kile's place for tomorrow afternoon to finally try to stop the harassment and obsessive behavior Mel is showing. The call is made and Mel agrees to meet with them at Kile's place. After the call to Mel, Karen and Kile hug each other in a long embrace. The thought of being sexual or making love is the furthest thing from their minds. The stress of the last few days have, just drained them emotionally. They prepare for bed, both are silently praying that they can talk some sense into Mel tomorrow, but if not they have made up their minds to go to the authorities. At this moment all they want to do is sleep.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Karen and Kile are now at Kile's place waiting for Mel to arrive. There is a knock at the door, Karen answers and it's Mel. Mel has a look in her eyes that Karen has never seen before. The look startles Karen and a sense of fear starts to creep into her spirit, so much so that Karen forgets to close the front door fully of Kile's house and leaves it slightly ajar. Karen's movement's are slow because her muscles are starting to tense up do to the uneasiness she feels about this meeting. Mel walks in with her large shoulder bag under her arm.

"Hi Karen, Hi Kile I'm happy to see you."

"Hey Mel, said Kile, can I get you a drink?"

"Please do, I'll have a small glass of Cognac if you don't mind." Kile also notices that Mel is unusually calm, she seems focused, not her usual hyper personality. Kile is also uneasy with Mel's mood. He returns from his bar with three glasses. He sits them down on the table and pours each glass. Kile now is seated on Mel's right and Karen on her left. They all pick up their glasses and Mel makes a toast. The air is thick with uneasiness and fear.

"Here is to new beginnings." She takes a small sip and puts her glass down.

"I have a little something for you guys here in my bag, Mel says."

She reaches down, and before anyone could react Mel pulls out a stun gun and shoots Kile with 200 volts. Mel moves quickly. Karen starts to scream but before she even gets out the first cry Mel shoots her with the gun also. Both Karen and Kile are shaking. Their muscles are all in spasm and they have no control over their bodies due to the fact that the 200 volts has short circuited their central nervous systems temporarily. Both fall to the floor. Mel knows how much time she has because the stun gun is one of the tools she has used before at the club when visiting the top level. Mel reaches into her bag again and pulls out her sex tool of preference the ropes she uses for hog tying. Both Kile and Karen are helpless on the carpet shaking unable to control their movements. Mel starts to tie Kile first. She takes off his clothes lays him on his side, and then she brings his knees up to his chest. She then puts his hands behind his back. She ties his ankles together, slips the rope between his legs and ties his wrists together. He is now in a fetal position with his hands behind his back. She then takes the excess rope from his hands and brings it up and around his neck. She uses a special tie that tightens around the neck the more it is pulled by the captive. She takes a special ball out of her bag that has two leather straps attached on opposite sides of it. She puts the ball in his mouth so that when he recovers he will not be able to scream. Last, she ties the leather straps from the ball around his head. Kile is complete. She now focuses her attention on Karen. She removes all of Karen's clothing and performs the same hog tie technique on her. Now that both Karen and Kile are hog tied Mel sits back on the living room couch and finishes her Cognac waiting for them to recover.

It is 4 o'clock and both Kile and Karen are still knocked out from the shots they took from Mel's stun gun. They are starting to come out of it slowly.

"Karen, Kile are you awake? Can you hear me, said Mel?"

"In a groggy voice Karen responds, Mel what are you doing? Untie us now."

"I need you guys to understand. Mel starts to explain. I have been afraid to love all my life. It seems as though when I allow myself to open up for love the consequences are always bad. I ask you, what does a person do when they have so much love to give, and no one to give it to? I just want someone to love me back. Is that a request that is so beyond reason? IS THAT SUCH AN IMPOSSIBLE REQUEST? AM I BEING UNREASONABLE? My parents, who I loved, abandoned me at the age of seven. Why would parents who are supposed to love their children, abandon them? WHY DID THEY TOSS ME AWAY LIKE DISGARDED TRASH? CAN UOU ANSWER THAT FOR ME?" Mel's voice is loud. "They never gave me a chance to tell them or show them how much I loved them. I never got that opportunity. Throughout my whole life, whenever I loved someone they left me and each time it happened it felt like someone was cutting out pieces of my heart. This pain is so wicked. It's unlike any pain you have ever had because it doesn't heal. It's like a burning I feel deep down in my soul. If you could imagine acid being poured all over your spirit and the way it dissolves, it just dissolves away who you are. I feel my spirit is withering. I don't know who I am anymore. If others could just feel the pain I feel, just maybe they might understand." Mel's voice is getting louder again. "JUST MAYBE THEY MIGHT GIVE ME A CHANCE. JUST MAYBE I MIGHT BE ABLE TO LOVE AND BE LOVED." Karen is crying now because she feels sorry for Mel. She also is scared. The state of mind Mel is in anything can happen. All she knows is that she and Kile are completely helpless. They are both at Mel's mercy. Kile is trying to speak. Mel waves her finger no. She walks over to Karen and puts the ball in her mouth and ties the leather strap around the back of her head like she did Kile. Now Karen is unable to speak.

"Now I need to just give you two a small example of the pain and humiliation I have felt all my life, said Mel. In the end, I'm afraid, that our short relationship will end in death. I hate those who leave me. I HATE THOSE WHO NEVER GAVE ME A CHANCE. I HATE YOU BOTH!"

Mel walks over to her shoulder bag that she brought with her. She takes out a pair of scissors, pointy and sharp. She walks over to Karen. Karen's eyes are wide and she is shaking her head no. All her screams are being muffled by the ball in her mouth. Tears are streaming down Karen's face non stop. Mel kneels down beside Karen and strokes her red hair with one hand. Karen just closed her eyes. Kile is frantic. He tries to scream and move closer to Karen to protect her, but the more he moves the tighter the rope becomes around his neck. All he can do is watch in horror. Mel grabs a hand full of Karen's hair in one hand and yanks her head up. She then takes the razor sharp scissors and points them towards Karen's left eye. Mel then opens the scissor blades and jabs them into Karen's beautiful red hair and starts to cut her long locks. She cuts the top, the sides, and the back. Huge clumps of Karen's red hair is falling to the carpet. When Mel was done, large clumps of Karen's, once beautiful red hair, lay on the floor in front of her. All Karen could do is stare at it and rock herself in a soothing motion back and forth praying that the sharp scissor blades, don't make their way to the center of her heart.

"You see, said Mel, this is what it feels like, the hurt and the embarrassment of being rejected. Now that all that pretty red hair is gone, you are now a reject. Now how does that feel? I bet you don't feel so good about yourself now right?

Mel walks over to Kile and is standing in front of him. Mel starts to lift the skirt up that she has on. She is wearing no underwear. She straddles Kile's body and starts to pee all over him.

"This is how it feels to be humiliated, Mel explains. To have your love thrown back in your face, the ultimate in humiliation, how does it feel Kile? HOW DOES IT FEEL? WAIT..... THAT'S NOT ALL.

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