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Karen and Kile are sitting in the living room trying to decide the best way to discourage Mel, to let her know that they are not interested in creating a relationship with her, without hurting feelings. They decided the best way to discourage her would be to not make themselves so available and hope that she gets the hint. They decide not to answer her calls. That evening there were several calls made to Karen's cell all coming from Mel's cell number. Karen did not answer.

The next day, Kile and Karen spoke about Mel. "Ya know Babe, we're going to have to have a long talk with Mel because she doesn't seem to be picking up on the hints we've been giving her."

"I know, but I would hate to hurt her Kile. She seems emotionally alone."

"Yeah, but if we continue to spend time with her, that would be leading her on. That threesome thing is one to many for me."

"Ok, what would you say if when she calls again we ask her to meet us at Central Park and there we explain to her that we are not interested in a relationship with her, asked Karen? In other words, we let her down easy. It's a public place so most likely if she takes it bad she won't make a scene."

"That sounds like a plan, said Kile." While they were talking, Karen's cell phone rings again and the party calling was no surprise to them.

"Oh, great I'm glad I got a hold of you guys. Lunch is on me. Well not literally on me, but that can be arranged if you guys have the right appetite," said Mel with a big smile in her tone.

"Listen Mel, Kile and I want to talk to you. Can you meet us at the band shell in Central Park at about 11:30am?"

"Sure, I'll see you there, said Mel."

Kile and Karen got to the meeting place in Central Park about 11:15. They figured it would be a good idea to arrive early in order to relax and prepare for the conversation with Mel that may be a difficult one to have. To their surprise, Mel was already their waiting for them.

"Hi guys, said Mel as she hugged and kissed them both. I've missed you." Mel is walking between Kile and Karen holding their hands. She is not sure, but she believes that after Friday night and Saturday morning, she believes Karen and Kile want to ask her if she would be interested in being in a three way relationship with them. After walking awhile along the pathway, Karen says, "Let's sit on those benches over there." All three are seated with Mel in the middle.

"I want you guys to know something, said Mel. I don't have a very good track record when it comes to relationships. I'll just leave it at that. But when I'm with you, I feel like I belong. I feel like there were pieces of my life missing and when I'm with you the pieces seem to come together. It's like my soul is no longer searching it is at peace and at rest when we are three. I sensed it from the start, when I first saw you. I just knew. I don't know how but I just knew. You two complete me." She gives them each a slow kiss. "Now, was there something you wanted to tell me, "Mel asked with a big smile on her face?

Kile clears his throat and says, "Well..........that's a very nice dress you have on today." Mel smiles then stands up in front of both of them and does a twirl and a little dance. She lifts the bottom of her dress briefly and quickly, just enough for them to see that she wasn't wearing any panties. She then puts Kile's left hand on he bench seat and lifts her dress slightly and sits on his hand. She then leans towards Karen and gives her a big French kiss. Then she takes Karen's hand and slips it under her dress between her legs and crosses them, locking Karen's hand in place while Kile and Karen's fingers touch from under Mel's dress and under her butt. Karen has tears starting to build up in her eyes. Kile starts to look down while shaking his head NO. He removes his hand from under Mel without looking Mel in the eyes. Karen does the same while patting Mel on her thigh with the other hand. Kile speaks first.

"Mel you're a great person filled with a tremendous amount of love to give, but Karen and I... this is difficult, Karen and I have decided to keep our relationship exclusive." Mel is staring at Kile as if he just started speaking a foreign language. The frown on her face tells the story of disbelief. She continues to stare at Kile and then quickly shifts her attention to Karen. Karen's head is down and her tears are about to fall.

Mel speaks first, "I don't understand. I know what we felt the other night was real, and I know you felt it too."

"Karen responds, Mel it's not you, and yes we did have quite a night, but when it comes to relationships and intimacy, I only see Kile."

"And I only see Karen," said Kile.

"So in other words, there is no room for me. I am being pushed out. I am being pushed out. What do you expect me to do with all my feelings? What do you expect me to do with this love I feel for you. Why are you abandoning me?" Tears are starting to fall from Mel's eyes along with tears also falling from Karen's eyes. Mel's body goes limp. She bends over as if she is having stomach pains. She hides her face with her hands and cries out loud. Karen and Kile have their arms around her back trying to console her. Mel is beyond consolation. She slides off the bench onto her bare knees. Kile and Karen try to pick her back up but her body is limp. All three are on the ground crying suddenly Mel pushes Karen and Kile away. She wipes her eyes and her nose with the back of her hands, and gets up off the ground. She looks at both of them and says, "You think you can just use people and then just throw them away?" Mel's voice is getting louder. "Do you think you can just take what you want from others and just disregard their feelings? Do you feel you can just hurt others and get away with deceiving them? Do you think I'm just going to let you walk away from me, from us, from our relationship?" Karen is trying to calm Mel down. They are both crying. Mel will not allow Kile or Karen to touch her. She pushes their hands away again. "You want to feel what hurt feels like? You want to know what it feels like to be treated like trash? I will show you." Mel marches off and doesn't look back. Kile and Karen look at each other a long while then hug and hold each other in a long emotional embrace.

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