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• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [구] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Y/n" he said, "let's make Changbin jealous"

"W-what?" I stammered as I looked at the male in confusion to his sudden proposal.

"We know Changbin likes you—he has for a long time—but don't you like him as well?" Minho stated with a question.

"O-oh . . . so he's the one I was told about. . ." I said more to myself than the males in the room. I thought about what Minho had just said, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty. If anything I said got around to him, I might have unintentionally made him sad. Normally I wouldn't care about such things, but having gotten close to Changbin it bothered me.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Jisung.

"If you're thinking 'What if my words made their way to Changbin', they did" the boy said, and I turned my head with slight shock.

"But—!" He interrupted once more, "that only made Changbin more determined to catch your eye; to earn your attention" Jisung said to which I let my body relax with relief  knowing I didn't hurt someone on accident
. . . again.

"So, Y/n, do you like Changbin back?" Minho asked with curiosity laced within the tone of his voice. He looked down on me with a tilt of his head from where he stood.

"I-I think so. . . I'm not really sure. ." I trailed off, stuck in my head.

"What do you mean by that?" Jisung asked me as he seemed to get a sudden interest in my spoken words.

"I'm not good with emotions" I said as I turned to him. "Iv always been told that showing any kind of emotions makes me weak . . . so I unknowingly repressed them over the years."

Jisungs eyes softened as he listen to my words. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he seemed to relate to what I had just spoken, but he smiled when he met my eyes.

"Let me ask you, when you think about Changbin, what do you feel?" Jisung pondered. I thought about the given question for a bit.

"Intrigued? Sometimes nervous" I stated with uncertainty. Minho immediately interjected.

"Nervous? Or do you mean flustered?" The male questioned.

"I. . . I don't know, both maybe?"

Minho and Jisung both smiled to one another upon the words leaving my lips. They shared a look; as if to confirm with one another that they had gotten enough of an answer they needed to proceed with their plan. The two males turned their attention back to me.

"Y/n, I think you have a little crush on our Changbinnie" Minho smiled happily as Jisung followed suit.

"Don't worry though" they quickly assured, "we will help you come to understand your emotion. But first and foremost we need to get you and Changbin closer" said Minho who smirked, therefore showing that he had just the plan on how to do that.


"Attention everyone!" Jisung shouted from atop the stairs as he looked out over the other members who were down below in the kitchen. Everyone had a drink of some kind in their hand as they moved their bodies to the music one of them had put on blast. Jisung, however, was loud enough that his voice could be heard clearly over the loud music; catching everyone's attention with ease. Everyone turned their attention to look up at the squirrel boy as they all paused their movements.

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