• 칠 •

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. ..__•~*~•__.. .
• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [칠] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day with a very faint headache. I was laying comfortably in my warm bed. Rolling over, a soft groan left my tired lips.

It was then that I realized I was dressed in different clothes than I remember. I was in a large black hoodie, and some blue pajama shorts. Chris must have brought me to my room last night, and exchanged my old uncomfortable clothing for a cleaner set that was much more suitable for sleeping in comfort.

It wouldn't have the first time. The two of us were real close friends, but only friends.

I yawned as I rolled myself out of my bed, and shakily walked my tired ass over to the closet. One thing I hated about the day after getting drunk off my ass was how shaky my legs became.

After mentally waking myself up with a harsh—but much needed—slap, I decide to pick out a comfortable outfit to wear around the house.



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I left my hair how it was, slightly messy, but presentable. I then walked shakily downstairs where I was met with my energetic older brother; Jackson.

"Hey little sis" he greeted me. I rolled my eyes at his emphasis on the 'little' part.

"Still pointing out the height difference, so mean" I pouted. Jackson chuckled.

"But your so cute and tiny~" he cooed as he came up to me and squished my cheeks. I was about to punch him for his actions when we were suddenly interrupted by the door bell ringing. Jackson quickly sprinted to get the door as a way to prevent himself from receiving a well deserved beating.

I continued on to look in the fridge for some food to eat while Jackson got the door. Unfortunately, we had little that looked appetizing for breakfast. Neither of us had done any shopping since our parents left for a business trip to Hong Kong.

I closed the door, having given up on breakfast when Jackson walked back into the kitchen with another guy.

"Y/n~, Mark Hyung is here, and he brought us food!" Jackson exclaimed excitedly as I turned around. There was Mark Tuan, my brothers boyfriend, with a bag in his hand that radiated a delicious smell.

My mouth watered as I made my way over to the two older males. Mark pulled out two boxes, handing one to me, and one to Jackson. The taller male grabbed the last one for himself. I was quick to open up the box to see three pancakes placed neatly inside with strawberries, syrupy, and butter coating them on top. The hot steam that came off of them filled the room with an amazing aroma.

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