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•ʜɪɢʜ [일] •
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This is the story of how I met a druggie and got 7 more in return....

+ a crackhead

Y/N's P.O.V.

Currently I found myself at a party with my friend M/N.

[NOTE: male friends name, or make up one but it must be a male, it's kinda important for the story👌🏻]

I didn't exactly know who was hosting this party or for what purpose the party was thrown, but what I did know was that I had showed up with my friend and unfortunately it was too late to leave now.




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I had shown up to the party dressed in all black; same as my friend. I made an effort to try and hide my face with the hat I had on. Personally I wasn't much of a socializer nor was I a party person (even tho I quite enjoyed them). I guess you could say I was actually a pretty boring person.

Despite this factor, I still found myself being told there was a certain dark haired male that's had his eyes on me for a while.

When I first heard of this new information I quickly deemed the guy an idiot—to like someone as unlovable and heartless as myself—it was stupid from my perspective. He was bound to get his heart broken so he should save himself the trouble and find someone else to crush on; is what I had told my friends. The thing is, I'm a quiet and reserved person. I observe others from a distance not converse with them, and because of this people have told me I was hard to approach. No one knew what was going on inside my little head, and it scared them. What they did not know, and never would know ultimately scared them. I could have been plotting out their murder for all they knew.

My friends, on the other hand, would speak differently.

Naturally the people I have become friends with are some of the people I'm closest to. Having given me the time I needed to warm up to them, my friends have seen me in many different lights, therefore, getting to know me better than anyone else. They admire my attentive, affectionate side—often finding me to be cute (because I'm short) and innocent (to some very small extent)—but also fully acknowledge how cold hearted I can be at times. Due to their understanding of my nature, my friends are very mindful to respect any boundaries I have set in order to make sure I am comfortable, and I do the same in return.

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