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• ʜɪɢʜ [사] •
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Y/N's P.O.V.

After a prolonged time driving, we had finally made our way into the far side of town. It was around 2 in the afternoon when we arrived at our destination. The large building was already quite packed despite being relatively early for such activities as clubbing.

The building we had arrived in front of was a large, plain concrete structure. It held many small cracks all along the outside walls. Graffiti could be seen, scattered here and there, yet the building kept a presentable appearance despite its minor vandalism and outward neglect.


Bambam slowly pulled into the parking lot, and found a place to park close to the front of the building.

"Yayyy lets go!" Jisung shouted as BamBam turned the engine off. Everyone was ready to exit the vehicle. Bambam and Chris got out easily while all us in the back had to wait as we let Felix and Seungmin out first. Felix was quick to exit on our side while Seungmin did so on the other other side. Next Jeongin slid off of Hyunjin with a deep blush still evident on his cheeks which made Hyunjin chuckle as he got out after the youngest. Jisung quickly followed suit and slid off Minho's lap, getting out as Minho slid out after him. Lastly, while they were doing their own thing, I turned on Changbins lap, and put my feet down on the steps to slide off his lap. I hopped onto the ground. Changbin soon following after me. I waited for the dark haired male to exit, and shut the door behind him.

Now that everyone had exited, Bambam made sure to lock up his vehicle. We all walked together towards the front entrance of the Club.

After greeting the security guard, and walking through the doors we were instantly hit with the smell of different drugs, alcohol, and delicious food with the sound of the music blasting all through the building.

The building had two stories. The top floor was flilled to the brim with different arcade games. There was a huge opening in the middle the size of the dance floor and part of the the bar seating below which it looked down onto. The first floor had a huge DJ booth in the very back where some large speakers were placed just in front of the dance floor. To the sides there were different bars and food booths with some simple seating by them while most of the tables and booths where actually positioned near the front entrance under the ceiling of the second floor. This causing a shadow to be cast onto the array of red seats. Blue lighting had taken over the rest of the building with the only contrast being the disco ball on the ceiling. It projected different range of colored lights all around the building that were being shown onto the sphere from the light fixtures next to it.

The dance floor was filled clear full with people, all doing their own thing as the DJ worked it's magic. At the bars there were people smoking, and having a drink as they often were chatting with another. The food bar on the other side had a few people but the munchies probably haven't hit yet as the place had only opened half an hour ago. Up top there could be cheers heard as people played the many different games the place had to offer. A mixture of gambling games and normal arcade games could be found along side the single large bar that was in the center, just above where the front entrance would be found down below. A few people lined the railing up top with a drink in hand as they looked down on the people dancing.

The whole place was filled with life.

"Oh I'm so excited!!" Jisung shouted as he held onto Minho.

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