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• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [오] •
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Y/N's P.O.V.

Currently I found myself walking around on the second level of the building where the arcade games were located.

There was a large array of people cheering as they played games that earned them money. Others were simply having fun playing games for entertainment. Many men could be seen walking around with girls at their sides, other men where playing games, and women  hung around chatting with other women. The smell of drugs and alcohol were still just as prominent on this level. The blasting of music from the bottom floor echoed onto the second floor, but wasn't as loud as it was below.

As I was walking around aimlessly I turned a corner, and bumped into something. . . or someone.

It was Jeongin.

"Oh Y/n Noona! You scared me" he said as he put his hand over his heart.

"Sorry" I chuckled. He smiled at me.

"Wanna walk around together?" He asked me curiously, and I nodded.

Now together, the two of us continued to walk aimlessly around the arcade games while making sure to keep an eye out for the devils that were hunting us down.

"See anyone?" I asked, Jeongin shook his head. We were slowly nearing close to one of the many shooting game the upstairs floor held. This one in particular had a curtain hung down one the side entrances in order to make the inside darker so the screen was visible. We had barley walked past the game when Jeongin quickly pushed me into the shooting game. The curtain swayed behind us. Lucky for us, there was no one in side the game to trample in the process of our rushed entrance.

"Shit, I just saw Hyunjin Hyung" Jeongin whispered in a slight panic. In acknowledgment, I nodded at the boys words. Carefully, I peaking out the other side to see if I could catch a glimpse of the male myself. In the distance I could see a dark male figure that seemed quite familiar, but from height alone I could tell it was neither Minho or Hyunjin.

"Innie~" we hear a voice coo. " I know I saw your cute little face" it sung sweetly as I could hear the voice creeping closer and closer. It was easy to tell the voice was Hyunjin—not to mention that his words just screamed he was whipped for the young boy. We stayed quiet; holding our breaths as to not make any sound that could give away our position. Suddenly, Jeongins phone slipped out of his pocket as if it had a mind of its own.

"Shit" Jeongin whispers a curse once more as he quickly grabbed his phone from the floor. Together we both decided to made a run for it out of the shooting game, and turning the first corner we came up on. We could hear Hyunjin still prowling around us. Jeongin and I agreed it would be best to split up for the odds of escape would be much higher than if we were together.

The younger sprinted up a few rows of games while I made my way down the one we were just in, then began heading up. I turned every corner with caution as adrenaline, and anticipation coursed it's way through my veins. This game was truly exciting, and had completely occupied my mind as I was oblivious to the alcohol which began to take affect a few minutes ago. I turned another corner when I heard Jeongin shout from somewhere in the back of the room.

"Ahhh no, Hyung~" I hear him plead while laughing nervously. I made a run for it through the arcade—not to escape—but to get a look at what was happening.

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