• 삼 •

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• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
•ʜɪɢʜ [삼] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with a loud, raspy groan escaping the confinement of my lips. The sound of pots and pans clashing harshly together had finally registered in my head.

"SHUT THE HELL UP JACKSON!" I shouted from my bed as I whined, and rolled over not yet ready for today.

To my surprise there was silence

But that wasn't normal


Just as expected, a few seconds later the hallway was filled with the echo of footsteps rapidly ascending the stairs.

oh no.

My door dramatically flung open as a wild Jackson burst into my room, and jumped on top of me; tackling my frame through layers of blankets. I let out a muffled grunt at the weight of the male laying atop me.

"Come on~ get up Y/n, it's a new day~" Jackson said as he wiggled around on top of me.

"Nuu~ I wanna sleeeep" I whined as I shoved my face into my pillows. I felt as Jackson got off me, and for a brief second I thought he had actually decided to spare me this time. However, that thought was short lived as I soon felt the older male grab hold of my ankles, and drag me out of bed; blankets and all.

"Ahhh whyy?" I groaned aloud as I didn't bother to move an inch even after being brought to the floor. Instead I got comfortable against the cold, hard surface, and proceeded to close my eyes once again to fall asleep.

"Come on Y/n, Chris is here to get you, he said you guys were going to get ice cream while BamBam works his shift"  Jackson stated, and I whined once again.

"Tell him to come up here" I sighed tiredly as the older male then responded with a quick 'yes ma'am' before he sprinted out of my room, and down the stairs. As soon as he did, I began to drift back asleep.


. . . .


"God damn it" I cursed out as I forced myself up. I stumbled tiredly to my door— which was not far from where I ended up on the floor—and slowly opened it.

There stood a smiling Chris, and a widely grinning Changbin standing behind the older male.



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