• 팔 •

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• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [팔] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

After a few hours passed by at the skate park catching up with old friends, we all decided to make our way over to Minho's place for the night. It turns out that the second oldest among us had a large house that he shared with Hyunjin and Felix.

We all walked to the parking lot, throwing our boards into the back of Chris's truck. At some point while we were at the skate park, Hyunjin and Minho borrowed the truck to get some drinks, and stopped by their own place so Minho could pick up his car in order to make for a more comfortable ride back.

"Who's going with who?" Minho shouted to everyone as they finished putting their belongings into the back of the truck.

"Naturally I'm going with my boyfriend" Jisung beamed as he took this opportunity to steal the passenger seat in the older males car.

From the corner of my eye I could see Hyunjin eyeing up Jeongin, waiting for him to pick a vehicle.

"Umm. . . I think I'll go with Chan Hyung" Jeongin spoke up after a bit of thought. Instantly Hyunjin threw his arm around the younger's shoulder causing Jeongin to blush.

"Chan Hyung it is" Hyunjin smiled as he drug the boy into the back of the truck, making sure to sit as close as physically possible to the boy. Everyone chuckled at their actions before the two designated drivers turned to the rest of us.

Seungmin and Felix both looked at each other then to the two remaining seat in Chris's truck.

"I call front seat!" They both shouted simultaneously before both boys took of in a competitive sprint to the truck. I watched as Seungmin and Felix fought to get to the front seat while pushing and shoving each other at every opportunity they received. Seungmin—being slightly ahead—managed to get into the front seat before the younger Australian, sticking his tongue out at Felix who quickly glared at him.

"Haha I win" Seungmin grinned triumphantly. However, this sense of pride only lasted for a second before quickly disappearing the moment Felix grew an evil smirk. The Australian climbed into the truck, roughly sitting down on top of Seungmin with a wide smile.

"Y—Yah" Seungmin stuttered out as the Aussie had sat down, "your s—so h—eavy" he said pushing Felix up a bit so he wasn't crushing him against the back seat anymore. Felix slapped Seungmin's thigh before he smiled brightly.

"Looks like we're both in this together mate" he chuckled before pulling the door closed. Chris chuckled as he watched everything go down before letting out a soft sigh.

"What am I going to do with those kids" he huffed as he shook his head. Minho patted his shoulders before he turned to Changbin and I.

"Guess that means you two are with me" he said as I nodded.

"Yep" I said as I smiled at him. Minho returned the smile before he gestured us towards the back seats of his black car.

Changbin and I got into the back seat as Minho made his way to the drivers seat. Chris did the same on his end after shutting the back door due to Hyunjin being too preoccupied with bothering the younger.

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