• 십일 •

728 19 5

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• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [십일] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

The second round ended with Chris taking first place having not once lost his position to the younger males. Changbin came in 2nd, Minho: 3rd, and Hyunjin was unfortunately knocked all the way to 8th by a red shell courtesy of Minho.

"Yahhh! You hoe!" Hyunjin whined as he road through the finish line which finalized his low placement. Minho laughed hysterically at the downfall of his dongsaeng.

Jisung—still laying on my thighs—pushed himself forward so he was now laying perfectly atop the the two of us.

"Good job babe" Jisung said as raised his arms in the air and squished Minho's cheeks from a sideways position.

"Why thank you cutie" Minho responded as he brought his hand down to cup Jisungs cheeks in return. They both smiled at their actions as Minho lent down and kiss his boyfriend.

As soon as their romantic exchange parted ways, Jisung shot up from his seat as he jumped in front of everyone.

"TIME FOR THE THIRD AND FINAL ROUND EVERYBODY!!!" the energetic male shouted. Everyone cheered as Chris, Jisung, and I all shared a competitive glance at one another.

"Your going down babygirl" Chris growled with competitive determination; he hated loosing.

"Not if I can help I" I retaliate as I stare down the older male. Chris cocks his head as a grin takes over his face.

"We'll see about that" he says, however, Jisung wasn't having our one on one competitive chat.

"Oh come on now" Jisung interrupts as he plops down on the center foot rest Felix had once occupied, "—clearly I'm going to be the winner here" the male says with confidence spewing from his figure and a delicate hand hovering near his jawline.

"Oh, and Y/n" the male begins as he turns his body towards me, "don't forget about our bet" he smirks as he catches the cold glare he receives from Changbin out of his peripheral vision. I caught sight of this and chuckled to myself.

"Of course, how could I forget" I smile as the map was being randomly chosen on the big screen.

| ✨ 🌈 Rainbow Road 🌈 ✨ |

"Oh shitttt" Jisung cursed at the map selection displayed before us. He began to mumble anxiously as he tried to ready himself for the difficult map ahead.

"Well this shall certainly be interesting" Seungmin states as he pulls out some snacks for seemingly thin air.

"Pftt, you suck at this one" Hyunjin laughs as he mocks Jisung who immediately spun around to glare at the older male.

"Everyone grab you drinks, this is gonna be one hell of a game" Minho shouts as he runs to the kitchen to grab some beer. The others follow suit with Hyunjin getting a bong, lighter, and some honey butter chips for Jeongin. Felix shouts at Minho to grab him a beer to which the older male complies. And Changbin takes hold of the pipe left discarded beside me.

"Alright, let get started" Chris states as I hurriedly scramble my way to the floor in front of the TV for a better view to counter my buzzed vision.

"Let's go!" I shout as the countdown began.





We were off.
Flawlessly, everyone managed a boost at the start and shot onto the track ahead of all the NPCs. Chris was in 1st with my ass right on his tail. Jisung was left with 3rd presenting a small gap between Chris and I, and the squirrel like male.

"Aw come on~" Jisung whined as he intently focused on staying on the track while drifting around the first corner. It took no time at all for the first power up to reveal itself.

"Oh Chan Hyung~" Jisung sung devilishly.

"Fuck off mate" Chris retaliates as he had a sneaking suspicion on what the younger was suddenly getting cocky about. Just as the older barked those words, a blue shell was sent flying towards him with brief warning of the projectile sounding though the speakers. Helplessly, Chris was hit by the shell.

"Yooo" I teased as Chris spun out in front of me giving way to 1st place. The male growled as he regained his boundaries; now in 4th place. We drifted around a few corners while I maintained 1st for remainder of the first lap.

The next power up was in sight as we all desperately claimed one for ourselves.

"Interesting" Chris mumbled as the male went suspiciously quiet. Jisung, on the other hand, began to curse up a storm.

"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK, I fell OFF~!" he panicked as he was placed back on the track. The sound of his foot tapping the ground added to the boys frustration

"I can't believe you fell" Seungmin laughed sarcastically. I could only assume he rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Fuck off!" Jisung hurriedly shouted back as he impatiently waited to be put on the track as he watched his number placement continue to grow.

"I'm in EIGHTH?! WTFF" he cried as Seungmin's laugh grew louder. Upon Jisungs mishap, Chris had moved up to 2nd.

"Y/n~" Chris sung in a creepily low tone.

"No, don't you dare" I warned nervously as we drifted around another corner. The distance between the two of us was quickly decreasing.

Just as I rounded another corner, a warning sound interrupted my calm thoughts.

"Chris. . ."

"No. . !"

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• ʜɪɢʜ [십일] •
• ᴇɴᴅ •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

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