• 육 •

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. ..__•~*~•__.. .
• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [육] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Beginning to panic, I quickly decided that the back stairwell was a feasible option now that the wild Aussie was on the loose. I sprinted to the stairwell, not seeing Hyunjin in my line of sight. The stair well didn't have a door to it, but overall it was quite narrow. It looked as if only about two people could go up or down it at a time with their shoulders most likely touching.

I sprinted down the stairs onto the landing platform that connected the stairs to the two different levels. I hit the back wall loudly with my hand due to my rushed state. I then turned to start going down the second set of stairs.

As I hit the third step going down, I saw the one and only Christopher Bang Chan making his way in. I stopped dead in my tracks, and stared at him. When he saw me he stopped, and smirked widely before suddenly making a dash for my stagnant stature. I quickly turned away from the male, and started to run back up the stairs.

I stopped once again,
I was met with another face.

"Look who we have here" Hyunjin smirked. He clapped his hands devilishly. Behind me was the wild Aussie who blocked the path from the bottom of the stairs while Hyunjin slowly walked down towards me from the top.

"Looks like your not so lucky baby girl" Chris chuckled from behind me as I turned around to face him.

"See. . . that's where your mistaken" I said with a wide grin that successfully left both males confused.

I didn't leave them much time for action as I hoisted myself over the railing, and landed on the steps going down. I immediately ran down them before they could catch up. I end up rolling my ankle as I landed, but unless they were paying close attention no one would know. I completely zoned out the pain in order to escape the beasts without limping—something only possible thanks to the alcohol, and adrenaline of the chase.

Swiftly, I exited the bottom entrance. I could hear the hurried footsteps of Chris coming after me as he shouted to Hyunjin to stay up top, and look for Changbin.

Classic leader move Mr. Bang, I smirked as I quickly made my way to the crowd. I easily disappeared into the array of people mindlessly dancing to the music.

My height was once again to my advantage as every guy here was pretty tall, and all the girls were average height if not taller thanks to the heals they were fortunately wearing.

I smirked to myself as I spent a few minutes wandering around in the crowd pointlessly. I decided to come out of the crowds after a decent amount of time had passed, and made my way to the outskirts of the dance floor. As I did, a message popped up making my phone vibrate in my pocket.

• " Come out cowards 😈 " •

7 minutes left



I sent the message while I made my way out of the crowd when I suddenly felt a alluring presence beside me.

"Shit" I cursed as I fumbled with my phone, putting it into my pocket. I heard Chris chuckle as I instantly tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately, it was a sorry attempt to escape as I was grabbed hastily by the waist, and pulled into the Australians firm chest.

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