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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Who's Changbin?" I asked Hyunjin. The taller turned to me with a shocked expression plastered to his face.

"You really dont know him??!" He asked in disbelief, but I just shook my head still confused.

"Well, don't worry, you'll meet him when we get there" Hyunjin smiled sheepishly. I just nodded in response as I followed close behind the taller male till we were out of the house.


Walking towards the sidewalk out front, the two of us spotted Chris pulling up in his dark grey truck. His music was blasting, but not quite as loud as inside the house.

He quickly rolled down the windows once he saw us approaching, and he came to a stop.

"Oi, get in" Chris shouted in English, letting his Australian accent fly free as he spoke. Hyunjin nodded, and happily hopped in front with Chris. I got into the back seat where I saw the same male from before, but now under the bright shine of the light, I could see clearly that the males hair was actually painted a dark blue, not a firm black like I had originally assumed.




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"Hey there princess" the dark haired male greated as I got into the vehicle. It felt extremely weird to be called a "princess". I certainly wasn't elegant nor lady like.

"Why princess?" I asked blankly. This caused the male to chuckle.

"How about dark queen then?" He asked, and this time I was the one who laughed.

"Dark?—sure—a queen? Definitely not" I chuckle as I turned to him. The male smirks.

"Names Lee Know, but you can call me Minho" he introduced himself.

"Y/n" I said keeping it short and simple, but never the less introducing myself. He smiled in satisfactory.

"I like you, your not like all those other basic bitches back there" he said, giving what I'd consider a high compliment.

"Your not bad yourself" I said, and then added ". . .your also not straight. . . are you?" I asked. The smile that grew increasingly wider upon his face gave me all the conformation I was looking for.

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