• 십이 •

885 22 10

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• sᴛᴀʀᴛ •
• ʜɪɢʜ [십이] •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Chris. . . NO!" I shouted as the music for the star power hit my ears. Chris—only being in 2nd place—sped towards me at an alarming rate.

"Oh babygirl~" Chris sung devilishly as he drifted round a corner right up on my character.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I panicked as I took a sharp turn around another corner towards the finish line for the second lap. Passing through, I successfully kept 1st for the entirety of the second lap, however, this meant we were now on the third and final lap.

"Come on power up, give me something good" I muttered as I drifted right into one. As the power up was selected at random, Chris collected a power up as well.

Jisung, on the other hand, had seemed to give up on the challenging map. Instead of playing, he began to converse with the people spectating our match. Their chatter started out loud, but lowly got quieter as the lap dragged on. Chris had gotten some banana peals while I was left with a singular green shell.

"Good idea" I heard Hyunjin mutter from where he sat on the couch. Their conversation had turned to whispers as Chris and I stopped our banter due to the gap that grew between the two of us while we drifted through the corse. Normally their conversation wouldn't register in my head, but due to a slight buzz, and some growing suspicion that I was going to be sabotaged; these words began to worry me. I couldn't risk taking my eyes off the screen, but the sound of shuffling was apparent behind me.

"Y/n~" Jisung cooed as two pairs of footsteps made their way towards me. Just as I was about to respond back in retaliation, two semi muscular arms slid their way under my own arms.

"W-what?" I panicked as I was slowly lifted from the ground. For a brief second my feet weren't touching the ground—causing an unbalance in my controller—and I veered to the right.

"Ahh, what are you guys doing?" I questioned frantically as I regained my footing—now standing—and managed to drift around another corner; just barley making it. My words were met with laughter as I was dragged backwards towards the couch, and pulled into the lap of Minho. His arms immediately wrapped around my waist as he held me down. Felix and Jisung appeared on each side of me with devious looks in their eyes.

"Now Y/n" the two of them spoke simultaneously ". . .time for you to loose!" They shouted as they began to tickle me.

"Ahh, F—Felix you were supposed to be t-the good one" I shouted between laughter as my legs flailed around. I was trying my hardest to keep my character on the track as the finish line was just up ahead, however, Chris was quickly closing the gap while I was being attacked.

"Fuckkkkkkk" I shouted as I hit the last power up before the finishing strip. Just as my power up was revealed to be 3 mushrooms, Minhos hold on me loosened. I took this to my advantage, and I desperately maneuvered my character on the screen as I spammed the power up. Jisung tried to cover my eyes, but I quickly slid down minhos lap as I bent my knees for some added weight to bring me down.

"Shit, she's gonna win!" Hyunjin shouted as he was on the edge of his seat with one arm still around Jeongin. Chris bit his lip as he tried his best to redirect his red shells towards me.

One missed, two missed. . .

"Come on Hyung" Jeongin said as he watched Chris begin to ride my ass once more. Just as Chris aimed his red shell at me, I slowed down in order to dodge the shell. Chris, taking this to his advantage, slammed his character into mine. This halted the movement of my character while Chris gained speed, and reached the finish line.

"Yoooo Chan Hyung~!" everyone cheered as they shot from their seats and I came in second. Jisung shook me as he cheered and gave me a smirked.

"Hey, Chris didn't make a bet with us if he won" Jisung said as he pointed to the older male while everyone quieted down.

"That is true" I trailed off, "even if Jisung incited some foul play" I mumbled to myself. Jisung chuckled.

"So" Jisung spoke up, "—what would you like from us Chan Hyung?" The male asked.

"Hmm. . ." Chris hummed as he thought about what he could have us do. The room stayed silent in anticipation of the oldest males response.

"How about this" Chris said as he sent a grin my way, "you two have to do anything I ask of you for the rest of the night."

"Sounds interesting" Minho said as he shared a look with Jisung. Having caught their glance, I began to get a sneaking suspicion they may have had an influence in Chris's action. Not only that, but they two of them joined together to hinder my performance when i was up agains the male.

"Sounds good to me" Jisung said cheerfully as he gave Chris a thumbs up. The two of them then turned to me.

"Yeah, sound fine"

"Great!" Jisung cheered before turning back to Minho.

"The it's settled, now it's time to have some fun" Minho said as he rose from his seat. He walked over to the kitchen where he grabbed a bubbler and another lighter. Jisung skipped into the kitchen to join him as the others began to make their way into the kitchen as well. Once everyone but Chris had left, the male turned my way.

"Y/n" Chris spoke as he rose from the couch and walked towards me. He leaned next to me, and whispered into my ear.

"Jisung let me in on the plan to make Changbin jealous" he said as his breath brushed over my ear. I turned to look at Chris as he pulled away. I stared at him with a blank expression in contrast to my warming cheeks. I had, had a feeling that was the case, but being told up front by Chris himself left me for a loss of words.

"Just know, I intend to do just that" Chris smiled. I blinked—not knowing what to say or do. Chris chuckled at the void of actions.

"Your flustered" he said.

"Shut up" I said as I punched his arm.

"Come on" Chris grabbed me by my waist, "let's get a drink." He said. I nodded.

"Let's get a drink"

. ..__•~*~•__.. .
• ʜɪɢʜ [십이] •
• ᴇɴᴅ •
. ..__•~.~•__.. .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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