The Ride To Hogwarts

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~ Audrey's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring. I threw my arm over reaching to hit the snooze button when my sister, Ashlynn, threw a pillow at it.

"Ashlynn! You knocked over my phone!" I yelled at my half-asleep sister.

"Meh..." She rolled over and continued to sleep.

"Ashlynn we have to get ready," I sat up in bed. "I don't like doing it either but we need to get our trunks ready."

"No..." She whined.

I rolled my eyes and climbed out of bed. I reached over to my desk next to my bed and grabbed my translucent glasses. I walked across the room to where my sister was sleeping on the floor at the end of her bed.

"GET UP!" I yelled in her ear.

Ashlynn got up suddenly.

"Good morning!" I smiled with pride.

"I will give you three seconds to run..." Ashlynn stated.

I started running and Ashlynn chased after me. I hid in the corner next to our couch when I heard Ashlynn talking with someone. I stood up and saw Ashlynn and her boyfriend, Blake. I walked over and someone wrapped their arms around me from behind. I turned around and I was face to face with my boyfriend Caleb.

"Hey baby!" Caleb kissed my cheek.

"Good morning!" I turned around, still in his arms, and hugged him back.

Blake kissed Ashlynn, "What do you girls want for breakfast before you have to get to the platform?"

"Umm..." Ash started. We both lit up and knew exactly what we both wanted.

    "Chocolate Chip Pancakes!!" We both yelled.

    The boys smiled and Caleb started making the food. Blake went into the pantry to get the chocolate chips while Caleb was mixing the pancake batter.

    "Mm, that smells good," Ashlynn said as she sniffed the pancake batter.

    "Hey I want to smell it too!" I said and shoved her to the side.

    "Hey!" Ashlynn yelled.

    "Can I continue cooking now?" Caleb asked, looking at us.

    "Fine..." We said.

Ash sat down at the island and talked about our friends from our house, Ravenclaw. Luna, Mia, and Cho were our best friends at school but we were also friends with Fred, George, Ginny, and Astoria.

"Pancakes are ready!" Blake exclaimed and then put two pancakes on each of our plates.

"Thanks bubs!" Ash smiled.

We finished our meal and then me and Ashlynn went back to packing for our year at Hogwarts. This would now be our sixth year at the school and our fifth year dating Blake and Caleb. Ash hopped in the shower and I made our beds. When she finally got out I went in and she finished changing. When I walked out she was doing her hair. She had it in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon tied around it. At the end of her hair, she had it curled. I changed and finished blow drying my hair. After it was dry, I brushed it out and put it into two french braids.

"Girls, you are going to be late!" Caleb yelled from the kitchen.

Me and Ashlynn walked out of the room and into the kitchen. The boys were standing there with our trunks. Then Caleb walked over and put his arm around me. We walked out of the apartment and drove to Kings Cross Station. We made our way to the platform between nine and ten. Ash and I said our goodbyes to our boyfriends and went through the barrier. As soon as we made it onto the barrier I noticed our friends Astoria, Fred, and George all talking.

Author's note - Astoria is nice and friendly with the other houses and doesn't think of herself higher than anyone else. She is also friends with the Weasleys and our two main characters.

"Hey guys!" I said while me and Ashlynn walked over to them, "Any news over the summer?"

"Well, I heard that Draco and Pansy are dating!" Astoria said, "It's just gossip though. No proof."

"I thought you said that Pansy came out as lesbian last year?" Ash questioned.

"Oh yeah," Astoria realized.

"Well, me and Fred have created more pranks and treats for our joke shop!" George said excitedly.

"Ronald's been a bloody pest and Harry stayed over for two weeks of the summer," Fred continued after his twin.

"How are you guys?" Astoria asked.

"Well, we had our fifth year anniversary with Blake and Caleb over the summer. We also got Ash a new wand. She broke hers when she threw her coat off and her bag of heavy books on top of it," I said.

Ash rolled her eyes, "I forgot my wand was in there! We never use them over the summer!!"

We all started laughing hysterically. Cho, Luna, and Mia all walked over to us.

"Hey guys!" I said as I saw them approaching, "how was your summer?"

"It was good, I got a new puppy!" Cho said excitedly, "Oh and I started dating a muggle boy named Peter."

"Oh cool! We should go on a triple date when break comes!" Ash suggested.

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool." Cho replied. "We should really get on the train, it's almost eleven."

We all rushed onto the train and found 2 compartments to sit in. Fred and George went to find their friend Lee Jordan and Fred's girlfriend Angelina Johnson, who I hate with a passion.

Me, Cho, Luna, Ashlynn, and we squeezed Mia into the compartment with us. Astoria went to find her Slytherin friends Draco, Blaise, and Pansy. Me, Ash, and Luna shared one side while Mia and Cho shared the other bench.

"Who do you guys think the new DADA teacher will be this year?" Luna asked and took out a book called the Quibbler.

Luna was always an odd girl, but she was one of my best friends. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She was really sweet, but sometimes a little weird.

"I swear, that position is cursed. Everyone who has that job turns out to be evil or something. But honestly I have no real idea who." Ash explained.

"So, Cho, how'd you meet that muggle boy of yours?" Mia asked.

"Oh, I was visiting a friend when she introduced me to her brother. After a bit we grew feelings for each other and when he confessed, I told him that I felt the same. After that I guess you know what happened."

"Wait, did you make out?!" I asked. That is the first thing that came to mind when she said that, "I guess you know what happened".

"No! He asked me to be his girlfriend and I replied yes. He is a year older than us and he has dark curly hair." Cho explained.

"Oh, wait Peter Charles?" I asked. Me and Ash knew a boy named Peter who was kind of the way she explained. We were friends with him because our parents knew each other. I hadn't seen him for a couple of years though so I don't really remember what he looks like.

"Um, yeah I think that's his name," Cho replied. "Why?"

"We knew a boy with that name and he was like that the way you described him. We haven't seen him in a couple of years though." Ash said.

We continued to talk for a while until we eventually arrived at Hogwarts.

Hope you guys liked this part! I know it was slightly confusing and a lot of made up characters but we hope you like it! Next part will be out soon!

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