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~ Ashlynn's POV ~

    We soon arrived at Hogsmeade Station. Audrey, Mia, Cho, Luna and I all walked out onto the platform and walked over to the carriage that pulled themselves.

We saw Fred, George, Lee, and Angelina getting into a carriage and Fred helping Angelina. I looked at Audrey and even though she had a boyfriend, I noticed that she looked a little jealous.

We then saw Astoria talking to her Slytherin friends, and I noticed she was talking to Draco. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous and I don't know why because we were enemies and everyone at school knew that.

Next we saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron walk over to us. Mia grew a faint blush on her cheeks when she saw Hermione. Everyone knew she had a crush on her.

"Hey Pottah going with your girlfriends!?" Malfoy called at him.

"Shut up Malfoy!" I yelled and then turned around and looked at him.

"Oo someone getting defensive over their boyfriend!" He yelled back and then walked into the carriage.

"Come on let's go. Malfoy isn't worth it!" Audrey said and then walked into the carriage.

    I hopped in along with my other friends.

   "It's just so annoying!!" I complained, "I don't understand how all the girls all love him. He is just annoying and is always full of himself!"

"Yet, you seem to enjoy arguing with him," Audrey said.

"And you can't seem to keep your eyes off him!" Cho smiled at me.

"Eww! I have a boyfriend. I am in a healthy relationship and I would never like a stupid player who is full of himself and won't stop bullying people for no reason!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed a book from my trunk.

"Trying to avoid the question I see!" Mia did an evil smirk.

"Just shut up!" I said and then hit them each playfully on the head with a book, well everyone except Luna. "Keep dreaming. Your weird ship will never happen."

"Maybe it already has!" Audrey said and then all the other girls giggled.

"Just leave it alone. He is just an obnoxious asshole." I said and then went back to reading my book.

"Hey Luna, whatcha reading?" Mia asked and then we all looked at Luna.

"I'm reading the Quibbler, it helps me relax," Luna said and then continued reading.

We talked until we eventually arrived at the school. I jumped out of the carriage and walked into the Great Hall trying to get away from my friends. When I got inside, I noticed Astoria and decided to talk to her until I had to sit with my house.

"Hey Astoria!" I smiled and walked over.

"What's up Ash?" She turned to face me.

I then realized she was talking with the most annoying person at this school.

"I have a question for you," I said, "do you always have to talk to Malfoy?"

"Well, it doesn't help that-" Astoria started but Malfoy interrupted.

"I have a question for you, Perkins. What is your problem with me?" Malfoy said.

"Umm, lets see. Bullied me since I started at Hogwarts, Annoying as fuck, and maybe because you bully a lot of people just because of their blood status! Also you are the one who had a problem with me first!" I said.

"Maybe you're just jealous, princess!" He winked and sat down with Blaise and Pansy.

"I see someone was talking to Malfoy!" Audrey walked in and sat down across from me while Cho and Mia sat next to me.

"Yeah because I was going to talk to Astoria while I waited for you slowpokes but then I noticed Malfoy. He was being an ass as always." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you mean to say, 'He has an ass as always!'" Mia laughed.

"Fuck no. His ass is terrible anyways-"

"So you still looked at it?" Cho smirked.

I hit Cho in the back of the head and then the sorting began.

~ Draco's POV ~

    "Maybe you're just jealous, princess!" I winked at Perkins. She looked slightly flustered and I walked away, leaving her with that.

    I sat at the Slytherin table with Pansy and Blaise.

    "Could she be any more annoying?!" I said and then sighed.

    "Looks like someone has a little crush!" Pansy teased.

    "Oh shove off!" I said and then looked at the Ravenclaw table where she was sitting.

    Did I have a crush on her? No I couldn't have she's a mudblood. A cute, sweet, caring, feisty, annoying mudblood- Wait what. Okay I might have a crush!

~Ashlynn's POV~

    Food had appeared on the table right after the sorting and Dumbledore's speech. I grabbed a chicken wing and some pudding. This reminded me of the time me and Blake were making pudding and we started having a fight with the pudding. We called it the pudding war. I slightly smiled.

    "What are you smiling about?" Audrey brought me back to earth. "Malfoy and you getting caught snogging in a broom cupboard?"

    "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I got flustered and continued, "No. I just remembered when me and Blake got into a pudding war."

    "Oh I remember that." Audrey frowned, "I was hoping you were caught snogging in a broom cupboard."

    "Do you guys not realize I have a boyfriend who I have dated... FOR FIVE YEARS!?" I yelled at them.

    "I like to pretend he is Malfoy." Mia laughed.

    "You are all dead to me." I groaned.

    Dinner lasted another thirty minutes and then we all walked to the Ravenclaw common room. We had to answer a riddle and we all thought the same thing. Me and Audrey shared a dorm with just the two of us, and Mia, Cho, and Luna shared a dorm with just the three of them. We sat down in front of the fire in the common room. A couple Ravenclaw boys walked by and they smiled at us. We smiled back and then continued talking. But not about the Malfoy situation, luckily. After a little bit Luna and Cho went back to their dorm to go to bed. Mia, Audrey, and I talked a little while longer about this book we all read over the summer. Then we eventually went to sleep.

Hope you guys liked this part! I really don't know what to write at the end of these, LOL... but umm, next part coming soon!

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