Christmas Break part 2

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~ Audrey's POV ~

I walked into Caleb's bedroom and caught Caleb snogging one of my muggle best friends, Olivia.

"What the hell!!?" I yelled and as soon as I yelled, they broke apart. "I leave for a couple months and you cheat on me the second I come back!"

"Audrey, it's not what it looks like!" Caleb pleaded with me.

"That's what they all say Caleb! And to me, it looks exactly like what it is!" I yelled. By now tears were streaming down my face.

"Whatever, and anyways, Audrey, it didn't happen the second you came back. This has been happening since last year!" Olivia smirked, "Now baby, where were we?"

"Sorry sweets, I have to take care of something," Caleb kissed Olivia's nose and then turned to me, "How about you get out? Can't you see I'm too busy for you?"

"You're aren't even going to acknowledge how we've been together for 5 years!" I screamed and by now my eyes were bright red and raw from all the tears that were coming down my face. "I can't believe you!"

"Oh well, this is definitely not what's been happening with Fred! You have probably snogged him more than you've snogged me!!" Caleb yelled and then by now I was running out of the room and into mine packing my stuff.

"Nothing happened with Fred, we are just friends!! And anyways, he has a girlfriend!!" I yelled back as I started throwing things into my bags. "I'm going to say bye to Ash, I can't live here anymore!" I stormed out of the room and went to find Ash. I noticed that Ash was sitting on the couch tears running down her face, her eyes were all puffy and red.

"Ash what happened?" I asked and then sat down next to her and tears started flowing down my face again. This time these tears were angry tears. No one messes with my sister!

"I could ask you the same thing," She said and then giggled a little, "Blake cheated on me with Ava."

"Caleb cheated on me with Olivia," I said and then tears started streaming down both of our faces. "We are going to the burrow, pack your things." I added this and then she followed me into the room.

We both finished packing and then drove to the burrow, where as we got there Molly ran up to us and gave us a big hug. She noticed that both of our eyes were puffy, red, and tears were still running down our faces.

"What happened?" She said and then brought us both into the house where everyone was. Fred and George walked up to us and gave us both a hug. Then the rest of the family did the same.

"Do you want to explain why you have been crying and who we need to beat up?" George asked which made us both giggle a little bit.

The twins had both been protective of us.

"Um, C-Caleb cheated on me," I said and looked at Ash who then said how Blake cheated on her but then Molly ran up to us in a hug and we both cried into her shoulder.

She shooed everyone else upstairs but me and Ashlynn, she was always like a second mother to us. She let us both cry into her shoulder while we all just sat on the couch.

"Do you guys want to tell us anything else? You don't have to just want to know," She said. She was always so motherly, like it was her job to be a mother. And she was perfect at it.

    We both shook our heads no. I soon got very tired from all the crying and she let us both stay in Ginny's room. Molly conjured up to extra beds for us and then we both fell asleep peacefully. The next day, I awoke to Ashlynn sobbing. She looked like she was on her phone. I got out of my bed, grabbed my phone, and sat down next to her on her bed. 

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