The Train Ride Back

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~ Audrey's POV ~

    We continued walking a few ways and then we remembered we could just use magic. Mrs.Malfoy- or should I say Ms.Lestrange- apparated us all there and we stayed with Bellatrix for the night. In the morning we all packed up and went to the train station.

    "Goodbye everyone!" Mrs Malfoy said as we all boarded the train. "We'll miss you!"

    We got all of our stuff on the train and then walked to a compartment with our friends.

    "Hey guys!" I exclaimed as I saw all of my friends. "What are we doing? Talking about boys?" I sat down in the seat that I usually sit in which is right next to Cho and Ash.

    "Ash was just telling me about you guys breakups. Sorry about them..." Cho explained.

    "Oh don't worry, they were assholes!" I laughed, "Did you tell her about you and Draco!"

    "S-shut it. I don't like talking about it." Ash turned to face the window.

    Then Draco walked over to our compartment.

    "Hey guys, can I join you? My friends are being annoying." Draco said.

    "Sure!" Ash smiled, "Audrey sit next to Luna."

    "No Draco can sit next to Luna!" I said.

    "But I want to sit with my boyfriend!" She said, "Sad... Draco, wanna go in another compartment?"

    "They are probably going to go snog!" Mia laughed.

    "Not going to happen, and anyways, the train would probably be the worst place to do it!" Ash said, "I just need to talk to Draco about something and then I will probably be back."

    "Okay!" Cho said and then continued reading the book that she was reading.

    "So what were you guys up to during the Christmas holiday?" I asked.

    "I went with my stupid pureblood purist parents!" Astoria complained as she entered the compartment. "Hey Audrey, did you do anything with Fred over the holiday?"

    I shifted in my seat a little, "No, I caught him kissing Johnson under the mistletoe though."

    "Wait, I thought they broke up," Cho said.

    "They did, but I think they got back together," I said and then looked out the window waiting to get back to Hogwarts so that I could go straight to my dorm.

    "You know, I heard that Cedric is single, maybe you could date him," Mia inquired and I just looked at her.

    "Oh, speaking of boyfriends, I broke up with Peter over break... We decided long distance wasn't working for us so we split up." Cho explained.

    "But you guys were such a cute couple! That's too bad, I thought you were definitely going to get married." Astoria gave Cho a sarcastic look and then went over to the compartment door. "I'm going to go hangout with Blaise and Pansy. Bye guys."

    "Oh wait! Draco told me and Ash that Blaise was dating Ron. Is that true?" I asked.

    "Oh yeah, they have been dating for two weeks I believe now." Astoria replied and then walked down the train to get to her other friends.

    Draco and Ashlynn walked back into the compartment.

    "So, what did you two 'talk' about?" I asked as they both sat down.

    "We talked about school and how our relationship is going to be during it," Ash said and then the trolley witch came and we ordered some sweets: chocolate frogs, bertie botts every flavor of beans, and a few more.

    It took us a little longer to get there. When we arrived, I saw Fred, George, and Lee, who I didn't really know all that well. I noticed Cedric who was smiling at me, I gave him a quick smile back and walked over to Fred, George, and Lee.

    "Hey Weasleys, hey Lee," I said as I walked up to the three boys.

    "Hey Audrey!" Fred smiled.

    Then I noticed Angelina staring at us and she looked jealous.

    "Finally I get to meet this Audrey I always am hearing about." Lee said. I knew about him and a few little things but we have never actually met.

    "Yeah, you must be Lee. Fred and George have told me a lot about you! I'm glad we finally get to meet!" I smiled.

    He walked closer to me and whispered in my ear, "We need to prank Fred and George some time!"

    I nodded and we both laughed.

    "What'd he say?" Fred asked. He sounded a little jealous, or maybe it's just cause I like him I think that.

    "Nothing!" I said quickly and then Angelina walked over.

    "Hey Freddie-Bear!!" She kissed his cheek, "I thought we talked about you being friends with... her."

    "I was just leaving anyway," I said and then walked back towards my friends when Cedric stopped me.

    "Hey Audrey!" He smiled.

    "Oh hey Cedric." I said. I didn't feel in the mood to talk to him right now after Angelina being an ass but I still did.

    "Um, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade next Saturday with me?" Cedric then stopped looking me in the eye. I was very shocked that he had actually asked me this.

    "Sure!" I replied and then walked back to my friends. Wait- Did he mean a date?! I mean, I didn't really think of him in that way but I mean, maybe I could make Fred jealous this way!

    "Hey, what were you talking to Diggory about Audrey?" Ash teased.

    "We are going to hang out at Hogsmeade next Saturday! I still haven't moved on from Fred but maybe if I have someone else, it will be easier to move on!" I lied, I didn't want them to know why I was actually going on the date. I mean I didn't realize it was a date when I accepted but because I could make Fred jealous this way, I decided to go on the date.

    "Okay, can we get in the carriages now?" Cho asked. I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't know what.

    "Sure," Me and Ash said at the same time.

    We got into the carriage and then arrived back at Hogwarts.

~ Cho's POV ~

"We are going to hang out at Hogsmeade next Saturday! I still haven't moved on from Fred but maybe if I have someone else, it will be easier to move on!" Audrey said.

    "Okay, can we get in the carriage now?" I asked.

    "Sure," Audrey and Ash said at the same time.

    I got into the carriage and then they both got in. I looked out the window and thought about Cedric and Audrey. I was happy for her but I still liked him.

    "So, do you like anyone Cho?" Audrey asked.

Hey all! Hope you liked this part! I kind of lost a bit of inspiration and motivation for this story but Katie is doing a great job writing it! The next part will hopefully be up soon and Katie wrote most of it. But I hope you guys liked it! Have a great day/night!!

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