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~ Audrey's POV ~

    As soon as I saw Fred and Angelina kissing I ran right back upstairs making sure no one noticed me. I walked back into Ginny's bedroom luckily no one was in there and sat right back down on the bed that I was using. Someone must have noticed me though, because as soon as tears began to fall down my face the door opened. It was Ashlynn.

    "Hey, are you okay?" She asked as she sat down next to me and I cried into her shoulder. "What happened?"

    "Nothing, I'm fine," I managed to say through tears. "It's nothing."

    "Yeah it's definitely nothing, considering that you are sitting on your bed almost crying your eyes out," She said which made me laugh a little.

    "Fine, it's Fred," I said, and then almost burst into tears. I never thought that Fred Weasley would make me cry so much. The only time I have ever cried like this was when I found out Caleb cheated on me with Olivia. I don't know why I was crying like this though. Did I have feelings for Fred? I couldn't though he's my best friend. Anyways, it's better if I don't consider he's off kissing Angelina under the mistletoe when they were broken up.

    "No really!" Ashlynn said sarcastically. "I had no clue."

    This made me laugh a little.

    "Ash, what am I supposed to do?" I asked. "The guy that I think I like likes another girl,"

    "Well, you just gotta make him jealous," She said and then stood up. "We are going shopping! Come on I'll invite the girls," She stood up, grabbed some clothes, went to her dresser, and walked into the bathroom to change.

    I might as well change, so I got up, grabbed clothes, then after she came out of the bathroom I walked in and changed. I was wearing black leggings with a long sleeve shirt and then a sweatshirt. We grabbed our phones and wallets and headed downstairs. As we walked downstairs, George stopped us at the bottom.

    "Where do you two think you're going?" He asked as he put both his arms across the entrance leading into the kitchen.

"We are going shopping," Ash answered for me and before I knew it I was being dragged out of the burrow and into the freezing cold air of the outside world.

We quickly called the girls and they met up with us at the Leaky Cauldron. We walked down the shops of Diagon Alley, till we got to Twilfitt and Tattings the clothing store in Diagon Alley. 

"What should we get?" Cho asked as we roamed through the tiny shop.

"I'm here just buying stuff to get over what happened, you guys can buy anything you want," I said then went to a different section of the store.

"Wait, Audrey what happened?" Mia asked as she followed me over to another section.

"I saw Fred kissing Angelina under the mistletoe," I said quietly so that no one would over hear us.

"Wait, why are you so-," Mia gasped and then her eyes went wide and she smirked a little bit. "You like Fred!"

"Shut it!" I said and then continued walking down the aisle. "Anyways, we can't be more than best friends. Say for example, we break up what happens to our friendship?"

"Well, you would probably still be friends, it would just be kind of awkward," Mia said.

"Yeah, you're probably right but I don't want it to be awkward. I like it the way it is right now," I said then grabbed a really cute shirt that I saw. "Let's just go check out and then we can get some ice cream." Me and Mia walked back to the others.

"I think we're all down," Ash said. "You?"

"Yup!" I said and then we all walked to the check out. We all paid for the stuff that we bought and then headed to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" The girl behind the cash register said. Her name tag read Jenny.

"Um, can I get cookies and cream please?" I asked and she said sure. The others all placed their orders. We got all of our ice cream and then headed out back onto the street of Diagon Alley. We ate our ice cream and then said goodbye to our friends then apparated back to the burrow.

"Where have you been!?"Molly asked as soon as we walked through the door. "George told me that you girls left, but he didn't say where."

"Calm down a little bit Molly," Ash said which I knew she said the wrong thing. "We just went shopping with our friends."

"You two off to bed now!" She yelled and we both knew how scary Molly can be when she gets angry, so we both ran back up the stairs.

"Well, that was something," I said as we laid down on both of our beds.

Just then Ginny walked into the room considering it was her room.

"Where have you two been?" She asked as she sat down on the bed in the middle of the room.

"We just went shopping with our friends," Ashlynn said.

"I saw what happened earlier with Fred," Ginny said and then I looked down at my feet. "You know, he's kind of a jerk."

"Haha, no he's not,"I said and then looked back up.

"Yes he is," Ash and Ginny said at the same time.

"I will beat him up tomorrow for now let's get some sleep," Ashlynn said and then turned her alarm on.

    I laughed and laid on my back. It felt empty now, without Fred... Although it was only one night it felt like the best night of my life! Fred's arms were wrapped around me, holding me close to his chest. His body was warm and soft but yet firm and muscular. It was magical to be cuddling with such an angel! But that wasn't how it was tonight... It was cold and lonely... Did I miss him? It didn't matter now because he was gone.

Hey all! Hope you guys liked this part, me and Katie enjoyed making it! Next update will be out soon! If you have any suggestions please let us know! Also, we wanted to make sure that you all know that Voldemort isn't in this series because we wanted to make sure some characters were still alive in order to follow our storyline. Hope you guys enjoyed! 💜

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