The Kiss

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~ Ashlynn's POV ~

"Hey baby~" I turned around and saw Draco wrapping his arms around me.

"Morning! Where is Scorpius?" I asked while taking popcorn out of the microwave.

Draco yawned, "Still sleeping. I got a call that his muggle school is canceled."

"Why," I asked as I sat down on the couch and started eating my popcorn. Draco moved his hand to touch the popcorn bag and I slapped him.

"I want popcorn!!" Draco whined.

"Get your own popcorn!!" I said. 

"Meanie... Can we cuddle now? I never get time with you anymore!" Draco complained.

"Fine, let's watch a movie on the couch. But my popcorn is my popcorn!" I said.

We cuddled on the couch for a few hours and then we heard Scorpius start to get up.

"I'll get him," Draco said as I sat up so he could get off the couch to get  our son. "Don't worry."

Draco walked out of the room, and then a few minutes later walked back into the room carrying our son Scorpius who was three.

"Mommy!!" Scorpius yelled as he ran and hugged me.

"Hi buddy," I said and then helped him onto the couch. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," He said and then Draco grabbed one of his favorite dragon stuffed animals.

"Thanks," I said to Draco as he handed our son the stuffed animal.

"No problem," He said and quickly kissed my forehead.

I woke up, and realized I was still at the burrow.

"Ash, wake up," I opened my eyes as I realized Audrey was shaking me awake. "It's Christmas!"

I bolted straight up, and then walked with Ginny and Audrey out of the room and down the stairs to the living room. When we got there George, Fred, Ron, Arthur, and Molly were all waiting for us.

"Yay, we can finally open presents now!" Ron yelled as he grabbed a gift that had his name on it.

"Can't wait for us to sit down?" I said sarcastically as me and Audrey sat down next to him.

"Shove off," He says and me and Audrey look at each other and then start laughing.

"Girls, I made you something," Molly says. We both look at each other with a questioning look on each of our faces. She hands us each a package and they both were Weasley sweaters with the letter A on them.

"Molly, thank you so much!" I said and then gave her a tight hug.

"It's not a problem dear, I love making them," She said and then sat back down.

Me and Audrey, walked back over to where we were sitting and then when everyone finished opening gifts we went back up to Ginny's.

"So, did any of you have any weird dreams last night?" Ginny asked as we all plopped down onto our beds.

"Yeah, I actually had this weird dream where I was- you know never mind... I had a weird dream but I am not telling ANYONE about it!" I told them.

"Tell me NOW!!" Audrey yelled and then we all just laughed.

Then George, Fred, and Draco all walked in.

"Hey-" Fred started but then saw Audrey and stopped talking. He sat on the floor next to George and Draco plopped himself on my bed.

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