Malfoy Manor

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~ Audrey's POV ~

     We all laughed and then went back up to Ginny and our room. I sat on my bed writing my secret fanfiction about Ash and Draco while Ginny made fanart. Even though Ash and Draco were dating, she still got mad at us about it. We stayed in the room for a while and then Draco invited me and Ash to Malfoy Manor for the rest of the week. He said I could bring anyone else I wanted to but he could only bring one more person.

    "My dad will be mad enough that I brought two muggle-borns but I really don't care." He explained.

    "Oh! Audrey should invite Fred!" Ashlynn smirked.

    "I'm not inviting Fred. Besides, I think he is dating Angelina again..." I told them. I know it is kind of a cliche but I kind of wish I was Angelina... Also, it's weird to say that about my boy best friend.

    "Well then invite like Mia or someone," Ash suggested.

    "What about me!?" Ginny complained.

    "Oh yeah, I only said Mia or someone because I'd imagine you wouldn't want to go especially with the fact that it is MALFOY Manor." Ash apologized.

    "True. Yeah you should invite Mia or someone!" Ginny agreed.

    "Alright I'll go owl Mia a letter," I said and then walked downstairs to the kitchen where only Fred was.

    "Hey," I said as I walked over to the table and sat down in front of him. "Is it okay if I use one of your owls to send a letter to one of my friends? I would use my owl, but I don't have one."

    "Oh yeah, of course! Also, I hope that me and Angelina dating again won't make our friendship awkward! I still want to be your friend and I always want to..." He smiled a little and handed me a piece of parchment.

    "Thanks!" I smiled and then asked. "Why would it affect our friendship?" I already knew the answer to that, but I just wanted to see what he would say.

    "Oh, you know..." He paused for a moment, "Just 'cause last time we dated she overreacted about every little thing we did. I just want to stay friends and not let it change the way we are around each other!"

    "Okay, I'm going to send this letter now." I said and started writing a little not on the parchment that he gave me.

    "Oh, may I ask, why are you sending a letter to Mia?" Fred helped me tie it.

    "Me and Ash are going with Draco to visit his parents at Malfoy Manor." I said and then let the owl fly out the window with the parchment attached to it's leg, "Figured that you wouldn't want to come considering it is Malfoy's place." I lied. I didn't want him to figure out the reason though.

    "Oh, well I mean I do really hate their family besides Draco but if you wanted me to go with you, I always would have!" His smile gave me butterflies but I stayed strong.

    "Thanks, but I don't think the Malfoy's would want a Weasley in their house." I said. "No offense, it's just considering that there are already two mudbloods going, Draco figured that his parents would be upset about it."

    "Hey, you're not a mudblood and don't ever say you are, you and Ash are probably the bravest people I have ever met. Well, besides my family," He said. This gave me even more butterflies in my stomach then I already had, but I knew if I showed it then it would be weird.

    "Thanks," I replied. "I should get back up to the others though." I then walked back up the stairs.

    "So what happened downstairs?" Ash said as I walked inside.

    "Fred friendzoned me..." I said and plopped on my bed.

    "Oh that sucks!" Ginny said.

    "It'll be okay. He probably just doesn't know how he feels about you yet or that nasty bish!" Ash said.

    "Still, can we get going now?" I sighed and sat back up.

    "Draco?" Ash looked at him.

    "Yeah, if you two are ready." He told us.

    "I'm good. See you later Ginny!!" I smiled to hide my tears.

    We all walked downstairs, and then walked out of the house. We weren't old enough to apparate yet, so we had to use our brooms. Mia was waiting for us when we got there. I guess Draco must've told her to meet us here. We walked inside and Mrs.Malfoy greeted us at the door.

    "Hello children, welcome to the manor," She said, "Draco, aren't you going to introduce me?"

    "Oh sure. Mom, this is Audrey, Mia-"

    "It's nice to see you again Mia!" She smiled.

    "Nice to see you too, Mrs.Malfoy!" Mia smiled back.

    "And this is Ash... my... girlfriend..?" He said quietly.

    "Oh, she is who you have told me about all year! Your right, her eyes are quite beautiful! Oh and she is very-"

    "Mother!!" Draco got flustered.

    "It's nice to meet you Mrs.Malfoy!" Ash replied.

    "Dear, please, call me mother."

    "What-" Ash turned bright red.

    "I'm only kidding sweetie." Ash looked relieved.

    "Uh so, I'll show you guys around- or actually, Mia you already know this place. Wanna show Audrey around?" Draco explained.

    "Why, so you and Ash can make out in a closet~" I teased.

    "Wha- I don't even know what to say." Ash got flustered.

    "Haha," I said as me and Mia walked off for her to show me the house.

    Mia and I walked all through the house showing me where every room was.  Once we got back to Ash and Draco, they were already in the dining room with Mrs. Malfoy.

    "Hello girls," Mrs. Malfoy said as we took seats at the table. "Did you show her around, Mia?"

    "Yes I did," Mia said.

    "Thank you," She said. "You guys will meet Mr. Malfoy very soon."

    Suddenly, Mr. Malfoy walked into the room.

Hey guys! Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger (well, not really a terrible one) but yeah! Hope you liked this part, Katie did a great job with it again! I hope you guys like it too and have a great day/night!

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