The Breakup

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~ Audrey's POV ~

    I woke up around 6 when I heard my phone go off. I got a text from Fred.

Fred - Hey Audrey! What are you doing? I woke up early and I have no one to talk to.

Audrey - Hey! Everyone is still sleeping so I actually don't have anything to do. Want to sneak onto the quidditch pitch?

Fred - Sure that sounds like a great idea! Bring your broom, we'll throw the quaffle around a little bit.

Audrey - Sounds amazing!

    I got up and changed into a short sleeve shirt and some black leggings. I grabbed my phone and broom. Then I raced down to the quidditch pitch. I noticed Fred was there waiting for me. He was in the air practicing hitting the bulger. I played the position of chaser. Ashlynn was seeker and I was really happy when she found out because Draco is the seeker for Slytherin. (I ship it!) I put my phone on the bleachers and flew up on my broom next to him.

    "Hey, glad you made it!" Fred smiled at me.

    "Yeah, I'm happy you invited me." I smiled back, "Wow, we sound like we are on a date!" I laughed.

    "Wouldn't that be something!" He laughed too.

    It was Saturday because they had to start school on a Friday this year. We played quidditch for a while until I started to get cold. I guess Fred noticed cause he flew over to me and handed me his sweatshirt.

    "Oh Fred, you don't have to do that!"

    "Don't worry about it Audrey! You're my friend, and I always want to help you out!" He smiled.

    Fred was always so sweet to me. Whenever he smiled it seemed to be brighter than the sun. He was so kindhearted and caring. Not to mention that he was really cute and funny- oh no... Was I catching feelings for my best friend when I had a boyfriend!?

    "It's really okay... And anyways, Angelina would be very jealous and probably would yell at you... It's fine Fred." I smiled. I really didn't want to catch feelings for Fred because I knew I would regret it in the future.

    "I'll take my chances!" This time he didn't give me a choice. He flew behind me and pulled it over my shoulders.

    We played for a while and then I noticed Ashlynn and Draco walk onto the field. They were looking as if they were actually getting along!

    "Hey lovebirds we're up here!" I yelled and Ashlynn gave me the finger.

    "We think you would make a great couple!" Fred yelled as he flew beside me, "Maybe one day you'll get together!"

    "Yeah sure. Like I would ever let that happen!" Ash laughed. She got on her broom and flew up next to me, "We were only coming to see who is the better seeker."

    "It's me!" Draco flew over to us too and then Ash and him started arguing about it.

    "Alright can we just start the game?"I yelled.

    "Whatever..." Ashlynn said and then flew back down to get the golden snitch.

    We all started playing and the teams were Ashlynn and me, and Fred with Draco. Me and Fred kept throwing bludgers at each other, and then Angelina walked out when Fred had come flying to my side to help me get back on my broom because he accidentally knocked me over.

    "Fred what the hell!?" Angelina yelled as he flew down. "Are you cheating on me?"

    "No I just accidentally hit her with a bludger!" Fred defended himself.

    "Why is she wearing your sweatshirt? Isn't that the girlfriends job?" Angelina protested and then me, Ashlynn, and Draco all flew down beside him.

    "I was cold, I told him no but he gave it to me anyways. He wasn't cheating on you, just helping me because I forgot my sweatshirt in the common room." I explained.

    "Ugh, I wasn't talking to you bitch!" Angelina yelled at me.

    "Excuse me, what the fuck did you just call my sister?!" Ashlynn got off her broom.

    "Ash, let it go." I tried to stop her, I knew what was coming next.

    "I called her a bitch! You have a problem with it?!" Angelina stood her ground.

    "Yeah, I do." Ash lunged at her but Draco grabbed her arms and held her back.

    "How about you listen to your dumb ass sister and stupid boyfriend?!" Angelina smirked.

    "Angelina shut up! I'm sick of this. You're always jealous of my friends that are girls and can't just let me be! It's annoying and I'm sick of it. We are over." Fred said.

    "Wha-What!? You can't do that Fred!!" Angelina yelled back.

    "I think he just did!" I said with a smirk.

    "You two can date each other! I didn't want his dumb ass anyways." Angelina said and then stormed off.

    "Mental much?" Draco said and then let go of Ashlynn.

    Ashlynn, now free, ran after Angelina and we heard Angelina scream and then some punches were thrown. Yeah... anyways! Eventually Ashlynn came back onto the field and we continued like nothing happened. It started to get late and then we all put our brooms away. We walked back into the entrance hall and then went out separate ways. Me and Ashlynn to the Ravenclaw dorms, Draco to the Slytherin ones, and Fred to the Gryffindor ones. When we got there we were bombarded with questions from Cho, Mia, and Luna.

    "So, where were you guys?" Cho asked as soon as the portrait opened.

"We were on the quidditch pitch," Ash said and then went over to lay down on the couch.

"Why were you there?" Mia asked and then sat down next to Ashlynn.

"Well, Fred invited me this morning and we played for a little bit till we saw Ash and Draco walk onto the pitch," I said and then realized that I was still wearing Fred's sweatshirt.

"Omg is that Fred's?" Luna asked me.

"Um, maybe." I said and then fidgeted with the sleeve.

"We heard that Fred and Angelina broke up. Is that true?" Cho asked.

"Yes," Ash said and then she soon fell asleep.

"Well, I'm going to bed," I said and then walked up the stairs to my dormitory.

Hey, hope you guys liked this part! What do I even say in these end notes? Umm, hope you have a great day/night!!! Bye!

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