Chapter 15

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My head felt fuzzy and my limbs felt like jelly.  A sickly sweet smell tickled my nose and coldness seeped through my shirt and pants, making my skin feel clammy.  The only part of me that felt warm was the side of my upper left arm that radiated with warmth.  All I wanted to do was sleep but I faced myself to open my eyes. 

Above me was a concrete ceiling connected to three concrete walls and one thick, bullet proof glass on.  I turned my head to the left and saw Chris laying besides me, unconscious.  Sluggishly, I pulled myself into a sitting position and tried to remember what had happened.  When I did remember, I wished I hadn't.

Images of Ralph and dear old Mr. Jacobs lying dead in the safe room flashed through my mind as I saw darkly dressed people with guns rush in.  I remembered them grabbing at me and me fighting them off with swift punches but their had been too many.  I felt hand holding me holding me in place as a chloroform rags was help securely over my mouth and nose.  I remembered seeing Chris's panicked face before everything faded away.  The realization that we had been captured by the Tea Partiers hit me like a bag of bricks. 

I turned my self unsteadily to Chris's sprawled body besides me.  I took his shoulders and shook him, trying to wake him up but he stayed dead to the world.  Next I tried to poke him, none too gently, in the ribs but that didn't work either.  "Darn it, Chris.  Wake up!"  I yelled to no avail.  Then I got an idea.  "I'm sorry about this," I told Chris then slapped him full across the face.  He groaned and brought his hand to his face, his eyes fluttering open. 

"What the heck?"  Chris asked groggily as he sat up, his eyes slightly unfocused.  He looked around sleepily at our surroundings and his face dropped.  "Oh crud."

"Well there is some good news to be had," I said.

"There in being?"  Chris asked curiously as his eyes flicked around our surroundings, searching for weak points.  He was already trying to formulate an escape.

"We aren't dead yet," I replied, "Which means we have some value alive with the Tea Partiers and therefore at least a time before they kill us."

"Excellent," Chris replied, not at all happy.  After a few minutes, his eyes stopped scanning and he sighed.  Apparently the room's security was rather air tight. 

"So what now?"  I asked the dejected looking Chris.

"We wait for something to happen," He replied simply. 

"That's it?"  I asked incredulously. 

"Well, there isn't anything else we can do," Chris said, his voice solemn.  "This room is inescapable as far as I can tell.  Three walls, the floor, and the ceiling are concrete and the third wall is five inch thick reinforced nano-tech unbreakable glass, outside of which all that is visible is a concrete hallway.  The door is probably steel and appears to have no interior lock."

I sighed, "Well at least they put us together, which doubles our chances of coming up with a way to get out of this box."  I tried to look on the bright side.

"Yeah at least there's that," Chris agreed, taking my hand and squeezing it.  I squeezed back. 

We sat in silence for a while and I began to think that we would just stay there like that forever and rot in the concrete tomb when the locks on the concrete door popped open.  Through it walked a man in a dapper suit with an armed guard at either elbow.  I noticed the man had claws at the end of his fingers.  "Well, well, Ms. Rowan and Mr. DeClancy I see you are awake.  I hope you enjoyed your rest."

I felt Chris tense besides me and heard him hiss at the man.  I rested a hand on his shoulder to hold him back from doing anything rash to this man with his guards armed to the teeth.  "Who are you and what do you want with us?"  I asked in a tone that sounded much more confident than I felt.

"An excellent question, Ms. Rowan," The man beamed but his smile did nothing to melt the coldness in his ice blue eyes.  "I am Ronald Argon, leader of the Tea Partiers. As for you, you are currently my honored guests."

Chris snorted, "I feel so honored.  Now what are you holding us here for really?"

"Right to the point," Mr. Argon continues in a light tone.  "You two a prime examples of what will not be tolerated once the Tea Partiers take control.  I plan to have you executed publicly once my forces topple the government and take control."  My breath caught.  Executed. I knew the Tea Partiers had been trying to kill us before but I had thought that since they had captured not killed us that maybe that had changed.

"And how long will that be?"  Chris asked as if the death sentence had not fazed him.  Maybe it hadn't.

"Much sooner than you would think, Chris.  Can I call you Chris?"  Mr. Argon mused.  "If my plans are carried out effectively, and I do believe they will be, within a month I will rule the North American Kingdom and you will be cold in the grave."  I perked up at this news.  A month left a lot of opportunity. 

As if sensing my thoughts, Mr. Argon said, "If I were you, I wouldn't get my hopes up of rescue or escape.  I'm sure you've already noticed how fortified your cell is.  As for rescue, you are currently residing at our most protected and hidden strong hold that not even the whole North American Kingdom's army could penetrate.  Any questions?"  Mr. Argon asked in an eager voice like an over enthusiastic teacher.

"Yeah," I said feeling spiteful.  "What are you smoking that you're nuts enough to think you can over throw the government?"

Mr. Argon grinned, unfazed.  "Oh, Jet, you are a rebellious one.  Don't worry, I'll soon break you of that."  He took a step towards me and Chris moved in front of me protectively.  Mr. Argon laughed.  "How noble of you Chris, protecting your little mixed blood girl friend.  I wonder, how is it you, a mutant who had his family slaughtered by humans, stand to be around this three fourth human wretch?"

Chris growled and I had to hold him back from lunging at Mr. Argon.  After his breathing calmed he asked, "How did you know about my family?"

"I know everything about you and Jet here," Mr. Argon replied, pleased by Chris's reaction to his insult.  "You could say I've got excellent connections.  Well I do believe this visit is over.  If there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, hesitate to ask."  With that, Mr. Argon left, his guards flanking him. 

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