Chapter 24

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Third person omniscient POV



The capitol building hummed with nervous energy.  Radios crackled with constant rushed discussions and sharply barked comands.  Soldiers in spider silk reinforced kevlar body armor hurried to their posts, toting asaualts rifles in their hands.  Boots clomped along the pristinely manicured ground but no one payed any mind.  One inch tall grass was not the concern.  A much more dangerous buisness was afoot. 

Snipers sat atop the capitol's roof, scanning the ground for any signs of the advancing enemy.  Small hovercrafts also prepared themselves on the roof.  Lift fans hummed as the hovercraft preapred themselves, their equalizers warming up.  Men an women in black suits with green stripes down each side that signified airforce personnel scurried about the flying masses of metal, hurridley checking control panels and mounted machine guns.  Pilots with their silvery parachute packs sat in the pilots' chairs, ready to take off at a moment's notice. 

An uneasy silence settled over the capitol building as the soldiers around the perimeter of the building. The snipers and airforce personnel on the roof, and the government leaders in the under ground bunker, the most secure place in all of the North American Kingdom, held their breath anxiously as the wated for the coming waves of chaos.  They were not left wating long. 

They first appeared on the southern horizon, little black dots, moving toward the capitol.  The snipers trained their sights and waited for the order to shoot.  A chorus of clicking broke out among the soldiers on the ground as the switched their safeties and hefted their guns.  Muscles tensed as they waited for the enemies to come into range. 

Then more aprroaching figures appeared to the north east.  From opposite directions the Tea partiers marched in.   They marched shoulder to shoulder in tight formation, guns at the ready.  The few that had wings capable of flight circles at a steady pace above their comrads, staying about  twenty feet above their heads.  The first wave of soldiers were approaching battle. 

The Tea Partier forces advance anothe hundred yards before the capitol's slodiers openned fire.  The snipers took aim at figures yelling orders at the back of the incoming mass of mutants.  The ground soldiers sprayed bullets at the front row of Tea Partier soldiers.  The Tea Partiers responded by opening fire at the capitol, firing at anything that moved. 

The hovercrafts took off from their launch pads with a woosh.  They rose steadily into the air then advanced towards their enemies.  The airmen stationed at the hovercraft mountain machine guns rained lead down on the Tea Partiers, cutting down row afer row.  Taking notice of this new threat, the flying mutants turned their attention to the hovercraft.  One by one they swooped towards the flying machines and fired at their windsheilds, attemping to break the reinforced glass.  The hovercrafts then attempted fire back with their machine guns but the mutants were too quick for them.  They bobbed and weaved out of the line of fire, returning staccato bursts of bullets. 

Seven minutes and thiry one seconds into the battle the first hovercraft was shot down.  The metal goliath's engine into flames, having been hit by a grenade, causing it to waver in the air.  Then the engine exploded and the lift fans ground to a halt.  The hover craft dropped out of the sky like a shot goose and crashed into a regiment of Tea Partiers, sending up sparks and shrapnel.  The soldiers in the regiment who had not been crushed hurried out of the way as the whole hover craft caught fire. 

Despite two more capitol hover ships being shot down, the capitol's government army managed to hold off the Tea Partiers at a safe distance.   The capitol thought victory was upon them until the second wave of attack came. 

The remaining Tea Partiers retreated just out of firing distance and the flying soldiers disappeared shortly out of sight of the capitol.  Then they reappeared, flying high, carrying large bundles in their arms.  The snipers and hover craft trained their sights on these soldiers, twenty or so of them, as they flew nearer.  The mutants ducked and swooped through the air and only one was shot.  The Tea Partier took a bullet to the wind and it spiraled vicously to the ground, it's bundle falling with it.  When soldier and package both hit the ground a huge ball of fire erupted and a deafening shock wave raced in all directions.  It was then that the capitol's forces realized what the bundles were.  They doubled their eforts at trying to shoot down the winged soldiers but it was too late. 

The winged Tea Partiers rose high into the sky above the capitols building and dropped their loads.  The bombs seemed to drop in slow motion as the capitols soldiers watched them fall in horrified terror.  When the first bomb met the roof of the capitol a great, blinding white seared through the sky and grew in intensity as more bombs detonated.  Loud thunder like exlosions accomanied the light and shook the earth so violently that the heads of the government in the under ground bunker were knocked off their feet.  Chunks of the capitol building soared through the air like stilettoes, along with the bodies of government soldiers.  The winged Tea Partiers flew back to their comrads through a haze of smoke. 

After a coulpe of minutes the smoke had thinned enough that the Tea Partiers could see the reckage of the capitol building.  Large peices of the building's facade had been blown away, exposing a  twisted metal skeleton.  Bodies, both whole and in grissled, bloody pieces, littered the ground along with razor shards of glass and bit of brick and metal.  The soldiers still alive pulled themselves to their feet and picked up their guns. 

The Tea Partiers charged back towards the building swiftly, but this time there were more.  New soldiers that had bee wating on the side lines as the first wave went in now took their places along the front line with fresh energy and ammunition.  They dashed across the wreckage on swift feet, gunning down any capitol soldier that was still alive.  Their shear numbers overwhlmed the reamining government soldiers and the Tea Partiers stormed into the smoldering shell of the capitol building.

A platoon of soldiers waited for the Tea Partiers at the foot of the staircase leading into the underground bunker.  As the Tea Partiers tried to descend the stairs the government soldiers mowed them down, defending their rulers.  All it took was one Tea Partier grenade to eliminate this last line of defense.

The Tea Partiers rushed into the under ground bunker and pointed their guns at the cowering government officials of the North Americna Kingdom.  The officials quikly moved to a scared huddle in the back corner of the bunker.  The guards surrounded them menacingly. 

Within five minutes a tall man with icy blue eyes, dressed in battle regalia, strode confidently into the room.  He faced the heads of the North American Kingdom and cleared his throat.  "Hello, I am Ronald Argon, though I suppose you may call me Supreme Ruler of the North American Kingdom."  His easy gleamed viciously.  "Which means you ae no longer in control, which also means you are now inferior and despensible."

He turned away from the shuddering ex-rulers of the North American Kingdom.  He walked to the dorrway and stopped just shy of exiting.  Argon turned and adressed his second in comand who stood just two feet to his left.  "Dispose of them," Argon instructed his right-hand man who nodded.  Argon had only gotten halfway down the hall of the bunker before the shots began. 

The Norht American Kingdom was his. 

The humans had fallen.

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