Chapter 27 (The execution...)

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  • Dedicated to My sister, with whom I have dicussed writing with a lot.

Jet and I stood side by side in our cell, waiting.  We had been made up by our lab coat stylists to look presentable on Argon's order.  He apparently didn't want messy looking executees to ruin his big day.  I so badly wanted to make myself dirty again just to spite him but I knew it would be in vain.  I'd just have to go through the cleaning process again and I wanted to be clean for my last few hours.

Through the glass wall of our cell, I saw the guards approaching.  Just as the tumblers of the door began to click open Jet slid her hand into mine and squeezed my fingers gently.  I squeezed back and a quick wave of sorrow washed over.  I wished that we had had more time together;  that we could have gotten married and grown old together.  I wished there was some way that I  could get Jet out of this but there was none.  I was more sad for her fate than mine.  I suppose when you care more for the future of another than your own, that's love.

The guards opened the metal door and walked in with a grim silence.  There was eight of them, four more than usual.  I supposed Argon had decided that marching us to our execution would be more dramatic with a large enterage of soldiers.  They lined up the cell in two lines of four.  Without speaking the front left guard moioned for us to come forward.  Together Jet and I wlaked in between the lines of soldiers.  We were motioned to stop by another soldier and we complied.  The guards on either side of us clamped reinforced plastic cuffs on Jet's and my wrists. 

With mechanical timing the guards closed around us and beagn moving as one towards the door, taking us with them.  Our little group had made it three feet into the halway when the last gaurds shut the thick metal door behind us with a resounding thud.  I took one last glance at the cell that I had shared with Jet for the past few weeks; the cell I would never see again.  Despite being held captive there, I almost felt sad leaving it.  Almost.

Even with my heightened hearing, I couldn't hear anyone else in the halls of the compound around us.  It was like the whole place was an ghost town.  I wondered where everyone could be before I realized that they were all at the capital, waiting for our execution.  I guessed we would soon see them all. 

We walked through one hall after the next, all nearly identical to the previous.  The heavy thumps of the guards' boots reverberated off of the wall like the hooves of a thunderous horde of demented horse.  Every few minutes we were marched up staircases at a mercilessly fast pace aand I was reminded fo our failed escape attempt.  Unfortunately our prospects were not as hopeful as they had been that night.

After many mminutes we finallly reached a large set of double metal doors with gaurds posted on either side of them.  When they saw us approaching they openned the doors, revealing the world outside.  Rays of light streamed in as gentle breeze filtered through the oppenned doors.  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze.  I could smell blossoming flowers and freshly fallen rain on the air.  A slight smile tugged at my lips.  I openned my eyes to see Jet was also enjoying the snippet of fresh air with an almost smile.

We were marched out of the compund through the gaping door and in the direction of a handful of of electro-vehicle.  As we approached the cars the guards closed in tighter, as if expecting Jet and I to make a break for it, however impractical that would be.  When we finally reached the electro-cars Jet and I were shoved into the largest one along with four of our guards.  The others took individual electro cars for themsleves.  When we took off the guard cars kept formation around Jet and mine. 

The road wound with more curves than I remembered from driving on it.  Jet and I were flung back and forth in the back of the electro-truck everytime we went arond a turn.  On the fourth turn I was thrown against the back of the truck and Jet crashed into me.  My left side rames against the metal of the truck's rear doors and Jet careened into my right side, her head hitting my shoulder sharpley.  When the truck drove straight again, I picked myself back up into a sitting position and help Jet to as well. 

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