Chapter 25

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The guard stood in our cell with a proud, triumphant look about him that could only mean bad news.  He strolled up in front of Jet and I and stopped, lifting his chin and looking down his nose at us.  For a moment he was silent then he opened his mouth of pointy teeth and spoke.  "The Tea Partiers have taken over the North American Kingdom."  I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me.  "In three days time Argon will have his victory ceremony, during which you will be executed."

I heard Jet cough, or quite possibly choked, beside me but I didn't look at her to see if she was alright.  I was frozen in place by shock and I could not look away from the sneering eyes of the guard.  Argon had actually done it; he had taken control.   We were to be exdecuted in three days.  The worst possible outcome had come to pass. 

"Well thank you for that lovely bit of news," Jet told The guard in a sarcastic voice, sounding much braver than I could even pretend to be.  "Now if you'd please leave us be, we have a very busy scedule to keep." 

The guard sneered at Jet.  "Listen here you little b-" He started and took a step towards Jet.  I promptly stood in between him and her, causing the guard to stop mid sentence.  I was a good five inches taller than him and even though he was heavily armed, I could see his fear of me glint in his eyes.  I gave him my best death glare, which was made very effective by feline like eyes, and the guard backed up a few feet. 

"Good choice," I told him, not moving an inch.  He recovered and tried to glare back at me but his eyes kept twitching back and forth. He snarled at me and openned his mouth to speak again. 

"In the mean time you will be prepared for the ceremony," He sent a look to each of us.  "And your guard detail will be doubled, so if I were you, I wouldn't try any funny buisness."

"Prepare us?  What the heck does that mean?"  Jet asked as she stepped besides me.  I noticed her fist were clenched tigh enough to turn her knuckles white and her matted blonde hair hung in front of her narrowed eyes. 

The guard shifted.  "You will be made presentable for the ceremony by Argon's orders."  the guard told us in a less certain voice.  Apparently he was slightly confused at the order himself. 

"Ooh," Jet exclaimed with mock excitement.  "Does that mean I'm going to get all dolled up one last time.  Can I get a manicure?  I want my nails to look extra fabulous for my execution."  I inwardly cringed when she said execution but was quite proud that she was being so strong. 

"Is that it?"  I asked the guard after a few moments of his silent fury.  I was pleased when his face began to turn bright red.  "I beleive you're becoming quite flushed, you might want to get that checked out."  I heard Jet stiffled a laugh.

"I'll watch your heads roll in three days," The guard spat and stormed out of the room.  I couldn't help but laugh when he struggled to get the door open in his haste to get out.  He kicked the door in frustration and hissed under his breath in pain.  Finally, he got his keycard to unlock the door and exited in a storm of anger and embarassment.

The room seemed to go cold.  I felt something heavy and frozen settle into my stomach and I sat down on the ground hard.  Jet lowered her self down next to me and brought her knees up to her chest.  I heard a snuffling sound and I looked over to find tears running down her face.  I leaned over and put an arm around her. 

"Hey now, it's alright."  I told her even though it was most certainly not.  I wanted to say something else but I couldn't think of anything reassuring.  Every consolation I thought of either sounded fake or morbid in my head. 

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