Chapter 22

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Third Person POV



Private Jacob Cambol stood attentetively outside of the western entrance of buikding five next to his comrad, Ralph Leold.  Both men were dressed in their black black uniform under a kevlar vest.  Each had a utility belt holding everything from radios to tear gas to grenades.  Across their backs they had fully automatic rifles and on their thighs were strapped electronic pulse disrupters that disabled electronic devices, even electro-cars, and caused unconciousness of  enemies at close range.  Next to the the capitol and building two, building five was the most import governmet building in the North American Kingdom and as such  it required heavy protection. 

Gaurd duty was, in Jacob's opinion, the most boring job ever.  Nothing ever really happened at building five; no one was cracked enough to attack and they were very far from any dangerous or non-government controlled territory.  Jacob had been stationed at building five for over a year and had only been alerted for possible danger once and that was because a council man had been sent a suspicious message.  It had turned out to be just to be a note from his wife who had forgotten to follow correct protocol in sending it over the secure massaging channel and there for set off some red flags.

It was nearly eleven o'clock and Jacob's shift was to come to an end in under an hour.  Just a little longer he'd be free to get this military garb off and go into town, free to go to whatever pub he pleased.  His head swam through the possibilities, unawrae of the world around him.  He almost didn't hear Ralph's yell of surprise.

"Jacob, get ready, troubled headed this way," Ralph yelled to his fellow gurad as he drew off his gun and shouldered it.  Jacob scrambled to do the same, becoming excited.  Finally, some action. 

"What sort of trouble?"  He asked Ralph curiously.  Ralph put a finger to his earwig radio and Jacob realized his was buzzing insistently, signaling an incoming message.  He pushed the recieve button. 

"Red Alert to all forces of sercurity at buillding five.  Armed men, too many of them to count, well armed are trying to attack.  All perimeter guards and rotating gaurds head to the western gate.  I repeat, come to the western gate."  The alert ended and both men looked stunned.  The western gate.  That meant if the attackers broke through the gate, they'd come directly at them.

"Too many to count," Ralph muttered under his breath.  His face was grim as he aimed his gun in the direction of the gate.  Jacob did the same, his excitement fading. 

Nothing happened for a moment then the first shot rang out, mixed with anguished cries.  Loud explosions paired with pillars of smoke met the two door guards.  Ralph cursed under his breathe.  This was not good.

The shots and explosions got louder and louder until it was nearly defening.  Each pillar of smoke got a little closer to the western entrance of building five.  Then, just barely recognizable by the human eye, figures began to appear.  One, then two, then ten, then one hundred.  The enemy force charged closer and closer to the building as the guards who had rushed over at the alert fell.  Jacob clicked off his safety and looked down the sights.

"They're in range," Ralph said then let out a spray of bullets.  A few of the mass of enemies fell but more surged to replace them.  Shots were fired back, plinking off the building just above Ralph and Jacob's heads.  The two men ducked just inside the door way, peeking out every few moments to let loose a hail of bullets. 

More guards arrived and managed to slow the attackers some, but they continued to come and come and come.  It was not long that they were a mere 400 meters from the building.  That was when they threw their grenades. 

The attackers simutaneaously threw dozens of grenades at building five.  The resulting blast left huge chunks of plaster and metal missing from building five's facade and smoke and dust hung heavy in the air.  Moan and cries of the wounded rang out through the haze.  The western entance of building five was completely demolished. 

A cry went up among the attackers as they rush the ruined face of building five, leaping over peices of shrapnel and bodies.  At the center of the mass, a man with icy blue eys and claws at the end of his fingers grinned victoriously.  They had taken building five. 

Within minutes, Argon sat at the head of building five's confrence room's table, surrounded by his advisors.  They were all smiling in relish of their victory. 

Argon raised his hand into the air, calling for silence.  "My friends, after months of planning, we have taken building five."  A cheer went up and Argon waited a few moments for it to die down.  "We have come a step closer to acheiving our domination.  Now all we must do is take building two and the capitol and then we will rule."  Another cheer.

Then the chant went up.  "Argon, Argon.  ARGON.  ARGON.  ARGON," Argon smiled in relish of this and his smiled widened as he thoguht of his situation.  In the next fourty eight hours, he would rule the North American Kingdom and the humans would bow at his feet.

And those two brats' heads would role.

Somehow this thought was almost more enticing then total control.  Those kids had been a pain in his side and he couldn't wait to watch their funeral at his victory ceremony. 

"ARGON.  ARGON," The chant continued untol Argon once more held up a hand for silence then he rose to his feet.  With one hand in a fist, he raised it into the air and shouted, "We are mutants and soon we will crush the humans under our feet.  To mutants."

"TO MUTANTS," The assembly shouted back to him and Argon sat back down in his seat, nearly giddy with anticipation of what was to come.


Very Soon. 



So here's a joke: Argon walks into a bar.  The bar tender says, "Get out, we don't serve noble gases here."  Argon doesn't react.      Okay so I thought it was funny and any of you out there who have taken highschool chemistry should get it.  So this was just sort of a filler, hey this is what's happening chapter.  Hope you like it.  Comment please, I like to hear your opinions and constructive critism.

A lover of all things chocolate

-Ren Cirdan

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