Chapter 1

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"... then our Divine Savior, Charles Backet, eradicated all of the known mutants in our fair land and continues to hunt and execute mutants in the North American Kingdom to this day, keeping us all safe from evil."  Melanie finished her oral report with a sickeningly sweet smile to the class.  The class clapped half heartedly for her, while Mrs. Braggs applauded like she'd just witnessed a spectacular encore of the greatest band of all time, rather than an oral report on the history that had been ground into our heads since we were born.

"Bravo, Melanie, that was an excellent report on Charles Backet's erdication of mutants in the North American Kingdom." she beamed.  "Now class, can you tell me why it is so important to try and eliminate all mutants?"

"Because Mutants are dangerous criminals that wish to destroy society," I recited in unison with twenty three other bored, teenage voices in a monotone.  

"Very Good!" Mrs. Braggs exclaimed, as if that responce hadn't been taught to us on our first day of year one school.  "Unfourtunatly, there is no more time for anymore reports today, so be prepared tommorrow morning to give your report if you haven't done so already." 

A chourus of groans broke out at this statements. Reports are equaly boring to listen to and give.

"Now don't be like that," Mrs. Braggs said with a pout, "Repots are-"

At that moment the bell rang and the reat of Mrs. Bragg's statement was lost in the clamour of students rushing for the door.  After the crowd had cleared out I grabbed my backpack and headed to the door.

"Ms. Rowan," Mrs. Braggs called just as I reached the door way.

I sighed and turned to face her, "Yes Mrs. Braggs?"

"You are one of my best students Jet, and I normally I have no problems with you but when you present tomorrow," she paused and I knew what she was going to say next.

"I should stay to the facts and shouldn't include false rumors." I finished for her, "I know."

"Exactly," Mrs. Braggs agreed, "I don't want a repeat of your fourth grade presentation.

For my fourth grade report had was given the topic of medical advances developed by the government.  Most of my report had been over the all of the cures and miracle treatments the government has developed but at the end I added something extra.  When I was seven I'd been walking with my dad into the local hospital for a doctor's appointment when I'd heard two men discussing how all of the medical advances made by the government were false.  They said the government lied and all of the cures that they had developed.  After we had passed them, my father told me that what those men said was untrue and to never repeat what they said.  I didn't understand why my father was so worried about what those men had said, and told that story at the end of my report.  When I had finished speaking the room was silent.  I got a week of suspension for speaking lies about the government and my dad had been docked a month's pay.  Since then I'd learned to hold my tounge. 

"Yes ma'am," I said and walked out the classroom door.

"Hey Jet," Someone called from behind me.  Lily, the person closest to a best freind I had walked up next to me.  "What did Braggs want?''

I sighed, "She reminded me not to screw up my report like in fourth grade."

"Really?" Lily asked, "That was years ago.  I mean we are in grade 10 now and you've given plenty of good reports since then.  You'd think the office would stop notifying your english teachers about your slip up every year."

"Oh well." I shrugged. 

"Yeah," Lily said next to me, "Well I gotta run.  If I'm late for the Mag I'll have to walk home.  Seeya."

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