Chapter 28

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Third Person POV



Two, loud blast were fired in quick secession and two forms faltered then fell on the stage, dead heaps.  There was silence for a moment throughout the crowd as scarlet blood seeped across the metal surface of the stage.  Then more shots echoed through the crowd and Argon's carefully planned victory celebration turned to anarchy.

                                                            *              *              *

I waited for the pain to come, for the fire to rip through me with nothingness in its wake.  In the millisecond after the thunderous gunshots exploded I waited for death to receive me into its arms but nothing came.  When I realized that I had not been shot and was still quite alive, my eyes flashed open and I spun around just in time to watch my and Jet's executioners drop to their knees, their mouths open wide in silent screams, before they fell face first onto the stage, unmoving.  There was a palpable silence as the initial shock hit the crowd.  Muscles became tense and people fidgeted until the crowd couldn't hold the tension anymore and chaos broke out. 

People started screaming their heads off like characters in a horror movie, running around in hysteria.  Others in the crowd surged towards the stage with a purposeful movement.  I saw metal glinting in the sun and realized they were wielding guns.  I squinted my eyes at one such figure who looked particularly familiar.  I squinted against the sun's glare and when I realized who it was I nearly pitched forward off the stage in shock.  With a gun cocked on his shoulder and his white hair plastered to his forehead, Cobweb approached the stage with a large group of Sentinels, smoke rising off of the barrel of his gun.  I supposed he had always been a good shot. 

"Get these rebels under control," Argon yelled to his guards over the ruckus.  He was fuming with rage at the sight of the Sentinels.  All of the guards scrambled off into the crowd, including the guards that were to watch over Jet and I.

I looked over at Jet and our gazes locked, both of us thinking the same thing.  Simultaneously we both bolted for the stairs that led off the stage.  I heard Argon yelling for someone to grab us but there was no one left close enough to stop us from running.  Jet and I all but jumped down the stairs and when Jet landed on the ground she lost her balanced and pinwheeled her arms for stability.  I caught her around the waist so that she was stable on her feet again then grabbed her hand and tugged her along behind me into the frey. 

We ducked and weaved through the masses of frantic Tea Partiers, armed Sentinels, and uniformed soldiers.  Hands reached towards Jet and I, trying to impede our escape, but we brushed them off.  Jet was more nimble than I was and soon she was pulling me along through the chaos.  It was so loud among the shots and screams that I barely heard when our names were called, even with my acute hearing.

"Ms. Rowan, Mr. DeClancy," A familiar voice shouted over the din.  I twisted around and pulled Jet to a halt, searching for the source.  A few meters away I spotted Peter waving his arms at us why trying to fight off a group of crazed Tea Partiers. 

"Peter!"  Jet yelled and dashed over to him.  A Tea Partier guards tried to catch her but she kicked him squarely in the chest and he doubled over, the wind knocked out of him.  As I followed her a few guards tried to grab me but I threw a few well placed jabs and shook them off. 

"Thank goodness you two are okay," Peter said once we reached him.  "I was worried we would not get here in time.  Come with me, I'll get you out of this mess."  Peter put a hand on each of our shoulders and led us through the maze of people.  Five Sentinels closed around us, creating a protective sheild around us.  I saw Cobweb in the formation next to Jet, his gun cocked at the ready.

Behind us more and more Tea Partier guards flooded into the crowd, met by more Sentinels.  The chaos turned from a mass of panicking people to an all out battle.  Shots exploded and screams of pain sounded all around us.  People fell from injuries and blood made the concrete slick.  If Peter hadn't had a hold of me I would have fallen a few times.

"Just a little farther; we're almost there," Peter told Jet and I as we reached the outer borders of the fray.  When we finally broke out of the battle Peter and our Sentinel guards led us towards a waiting electro-car.  Jet and i were all but shoved inside.  One of the guards took the passenger seat and none other than Cobweb took the driver's seat. 

"Peter, aren't you coming?"  Jet asked besides me as she leaned out the window towards Peter.

"No Ms. Rowan," Peter replied in his formal manor.  "I will return to the fight.  Mr. Cobweb and Mr. Loranzo will escort you to a nearby strong hold."

I could see the worry etched on Jet's face and I felt a similar pang in my heart.  "Be safe Peter, and thank you so much for rescuing us," Jet told Peter and I nodded in agreement. 

"I will be safe," Peter assured us before turning to Cobweb.  "Get them out of here quickly and keep them safe."  Then Peter was gone into the fight along with the three remaining guards with him.  Cobweb floored it and we left our would have been execution behind. 

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