Chapter 7: He Likes Strawberries.

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Chapter 7: He Likes Strawberries.


"Here he comes!" the man with his mid twenties said, "The Great and mighty Sean Alfaro," he welcomed me.

"Franco Ravenna," I shook his hand.

"You never seize to amaze me to all of your grand entrance, amico," he chuckled, "Just look at those people gawking at you," he handed me a glass of champagne that he took from a waiter that passed by, "And of course, you too Tomas."

"And you always never seize to amaze me with your party," I countered. Cars are their family business and it is well known around the world. Right now, Mr. Ravenna held a party and a lot of distinguished people came.

"You know Dad, he likes to show off his new cars," he said, "But I don't really care about his cars what I care are those gorgeous fine ladies," he winked at a group of ladies chatting just a few meters away from us, they giggled as they saw him winked at them.

"You never change, you're still a flirt," I took a sip from my glass of champagne.

"What can I do?! Girls spice up life," he chuckled and I just shook my head lightly, when a curly blonde lady interrupted us.

"Hello boys," she greeted seductively.

"Hello there," Franco greeted back eyeing his body from head to foot. He can't look away with her long black gown that hugged her body. She looks like she can't breathe properly, and with her chest ready to pop out and the slit of his gown is very high. Sexy, yes, but too much can lead to awfulness.

"You are Sean Alfaro, right?" she ignored Franco.

"Yes I am," I answered taking another sip of my champagne.

"I'm Cecilia Burton, it's a pleasure to meet you," she offered her hand which I took politely.

"I'm Franco Ravenna," my friend introduced himself but he was completely ignored by her.

"My Dad's a politician, I bet you already knew him," she boasted.

"Mr. Burton, the Governor?" Of course I knew him. He asked me to smuggle guns from Africa and also a corrupt official.

"Yes him," she grinned.

"Oh," I said uninterested.

"I know him also he just bought a car last week. A pink convertible car, he said that he will give it to his daughter," Franco said confidently.

That caught her attention, "What are you? A car salesman?" she asked with a tint of insult in her voice.

"More than that, my lady, like I said earlier I'm Franco Ravenna and my family owns the Ravenna Cars Inc." He elegantly boasted.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know," she apologized.

"It's okay," he winked.

"So Sean, what do you like in a girl?" Cecilia's asked batting her eyelashes to me and getting closer.

"I wanted to know that too," Franco agreed, "Sean, what do you prefer red haired, brunette or blonde?" he asked.

"Brown hair," I answered.

"That was not on the choices but that's a good one," he said.

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