Chapter 19: Showing of Gratitude.

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Chapter 19: Showing of Gratitude.


My alarm was blaring early in the morning. Last night I slept late, I do it all the time though. I was working late at my office but before I went to bed I checked Tanya on the guest room just like what her Dad said.

I get off from the bed and put some shirt on since I always sleep without my shirt. I went downstairs to have some breakfast. As I walked towards the dining area that connects to the kitchen, I heard some chattering. There I saw Tomas placing some plates on the table, Amelia preparing and cooking some foods in the kitchen and Tanya sitting in one of the chair at the dining table. They were talking to each other, although Tomas is just quiet.

"Good morning, Sir," Tomas greeted as he saw me. I sat on one of the chair, facing Tanya.

"Good morning, Sean," Tanya beamed.

"Morning," I greeted back. Tomas placed a cup of my coffee on the table, "How are you? Are you alright coming down here?" I asked.

"Better than yesterday, Amelia helped me to go down the stairs besides its good to have breakfast together," she replied smilingly.

"Good morning," Amelia sent me a knowing look as she placed some viand on the table, "I'll place some hotdogs, eggs and some bread on your plate, alright? Do you want some coffee or tea? What do you want for your drink?" she asked Tanya as she placed some foods on her plate.

"I'll just have some water. Thank you," Tanya said.

"Okay, I'll just get some," Amelia nodded and went back to the kitchen. Tanya wandered her hands on the table, looking for something.

She found the spoon and held it on her right hand. She was still looking for the fork but, accidentally, it fell on the floor. She flinched to the sound as it fell, "Sorry," she apologized as she bent down to get it but she couldn't see where it fell.

"I got it," I said as I stood up and bent down to get the fork, "Amelia, bring me another fork," I ordered to Amelia.

"Sorry," Tanya apologized again.

Amelia went back handing me a new fork, "Here," I placed the fork on Tanya's hand and went back to my seat, "On your plate, eggs are on the left next are the hotdogs then on the bottom is the bread. There's a banana on the upper part and a glass of water on the right," I instructed her as Amelia put a glass of water.

"Oh, thanks," Tanya smiled and so we started to eat our breakfast. Amelia kept her company as I'm not a morning person and I'm still adjusting to the day by reading a newspaper. Tanya invited her and Tomas to eat with us. They looked at me for an answer and I just nodded. Normally, they already ate first before me but since they want to please Tanya they grabbed some plates and ate again.

"You cook deliciously," Tanya complimented, "Maybe you could teach me some of your recipe so that Dad could eat a new dish."

"Thank you but you cook?" Amelia said in surprised. That took me in surprised too as I lowered the newspaper looking at Tanya. She knows how to cook? "Not to be rude or something but in your state, you could cook?" she asked.

"Oh no, it's okay," Tanya beamed, "Yes, I could but only on our kitchen since I know where the things were but I couldn't cook those hard dishes only the easy ones," she answered.

"Oh, impressive!" Amelia exclaimed.

They continued to chat, sometimes they include me. Suddenly we were interrupted when Tomas said that someone called me. After eating our breakfast I excuse myself so that I could prepare for my work and Tanya can prepare also so that I can send her home.

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