Chapter 49: Chicken Nuggets.

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Chapter 49: Chicken Nuggets.

"And he went on the fire exit that's why we can't see him coming out from the shop," Renard finishes his report.

"So, basically we need to find a blonde man with tan skin and a mole near on his left eye," I said.

"Yes, sir,"

"Check all the men of Vincent and look for this man. Also I want you to check the criminal records of the police, they might have the picture of him," I ordered.

Matt and Renard nodded but the lanky man with a mesmerized look on his face and agape mouth didn't react at all.

"Do you understand that Gilves?" I arched an eyebrow at him. He looks dumb.

"Y-you know my name?" he sound surprised, "Wow! It's an honour to be standing here on your office and talking to you Boss! I can't explain how great my feeling is."

Matt groaned and slapped his head, "Sorry Boss, he just loves to talk nonsense things," he apologized to me. He looks like Gino just more stupid.

I rolled my eyes, "Go and do it now."

They hurriedly went out of my office but Gilves' head poked out from the door frame with a silly grin on his face, "You are really cool, Boss." Then Matt grabbed him and closed the door.


"No," Matt said on his computer, "Nope, still no."

Currently we are looking for the criminal files of the police but I tell you this is a lot of work, there are like thousands of criminals here in America what's more if we will look around the world. Worst is we don't even know his name.

"What's your status there Gilves?" Matt checked the guy who sat on the other table also working on his computer.

"Nothing," he sulked, he placed his left arm on the table and his head resting on his hand while his right hand was working on the mouse. "What if he's not Vincent's man?"

"Don't base it on what ifs! Boss and Vincent have been enemies since a long time," Matt scolded.

"But we also don't have any proof that it was really Vincent's besides he isn't the only enemy Boss have," Gilves reasoned, "What if we are actually suspecting the wrong man and we are letting the true suspect play with us more?"

"Why don't you shut up and do your job?!" Matt growled.

But Gilves has a point. We can be wrong but we can also be right. Vincent had done a lot of problems to Boss and he is capable of doing this. But still, there are a lot of what ifs.

"Ohh, the stress level is so high in here," suddenly a familiar voice commented.

I looked at the man who is leaning on the wall just beside my table with a grin on his face. He wasn't there earlier! "Erwan!" I stood up and went to him, "Where were you these past days? You haven't come home and I was really worried. You didn't even leave a note or anything!" I scolded.

His grinned just widen more, "Wow, you sound like a wife nagging on her husband. I like that." I playfully punch his shoulder.

"Oh, Erwan what are you doing here? Does Boss called you?" Matt asked

"Nope, I just finished a job from another employer," he answered, suddenly he placed his arms around me and did he just sniffed me?! "I'm just here because I miss a certain someone. You smell nice," he complimented.

"Urgh," Matt grimaced, "I'm done here. I'll go get some coffee," he then stood up from his chair and went to the kitchen area.

"Seriously stop sniffing me!" I swatted his nose that kept on sniffing around my neck, "And what do you mean by another employer? Where did you go this time?"

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