Chapter 42: The News.

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Chapter 42: The News.


"And you have a meeting after an hour," Tomas read my schedule on his tablet.

"Alright, prepare everything," I said and continued to sign some papers on my desk. Suddenly his phone rang and he took it immediately.

Mr. Javier was still at California and his assistant informed us that he will be back next week Monday. I already made an appointment to him for I need to discuss few things about work and his safety.

The party of Mrs. Wallace ended well, since Vincent and I didn't have the chance to meet again. I also noticed that Mama wanted me and Catherine to be close that she insisted that I will take her out to dinner one of these days. Margaux on the other hand seemed like doesn't like her, even though she doesn't show it but I can feel it because she's not talkative when talking to her.

"Sir, you have to watch this," Tomas suddenly said when he was done talking to his phone, he went to get the remote control of the television and turn it on.

It was a news report, a lady with a microphone on her hand was talking and behind her was a building and I think it was the City Hall.

"People gather here at the City hall to witness the arrestment of the businessman from Italy, Hunter Vogel," she reported. Then the screen changes, Hunter was walking outside the City Hall with handcuffs and he was being accompanied by some policemen. Few people surrounded them, taking pictures and asking them some stuffs until he was being led to the Police car.

"With the help of our Governor Burton, he condemn of Vogel crimes including the illegal selling and smuggling of firearms in the country."

"This case will be still ongoing, we will investigate further and we will still see each other on court," a policeman said.

"It's good that our plan work," I said.

"It's good thing that they obeyed us," Tomas added.

"However, keep an eye on Hunter. He might know that we're going to assassinate him," I ordered, "Tell Erwan that once Hunter was already in jail, kill him there after a day and make sure it looks like he committed a suicide and don't let our names drag into this."

"Right away sir," he nodded.

Before I could get back on signing some papers, there's a knock on the door and Matt and Renard came in.

"Do you need anything?" Tomas asked.

"There's a delivery," Renard informed, placing a large brown envelope on my desk.

I looked for a name to whom it came from but there's none. "Who's the sender?" I inquired.

"We don't now, boss," Matt replied, "It was just delivered to us by a deliveryman."

The envelope isn't heavy at all and it's also not bulky. It's like there's no package inside. I opened it and turned it upside down to let the contents fall.

It was just few strands of brown hair.

"What the fuck is that?" Matt asked curiously.

Tomas took the envelope and check it again if there's more inside but there is none.

My eyes widen, there is something wrong. "Hand me my phone," I stood up and demanded. Tomas quickly obeyed.

I dialled the number of Tanya and it directly went to her voicemail. "Fuck," I muttered. She might already delete my number or she blocked it.

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