Libraopal1005 Notes:

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My lovely readers,
I have to ask for more patience when waiting for the next chapters and i have two reasonable reasons 😁 :

1st: i've already written half of the story for the next chapter and it was located in my usb, unfortunately, just suddenly 😭 (i wanted to cry) all the files in my usb went missing and i guessed it got some virus. I tried to find a way to recover it but i can't. I got frustrated and didn't touch my laptop for few days. Right now, i'm trying to recall the storyline that i've already written to continue the next chapter. I'm already half way done (because i want to hurry for you guys) so please wait for a while.

2nd: finals. I need to focus on my finals. I know some of you might be students or you've been through that so i know you can understand. C in college is crazy, you'll go crazy.

Possible next update might be before christmas (or earlier) or after the holidays. Don't worry i'll try to hurry for you guys.

Thank you for understanding, support and love. I really appreciate you guys 😍 you're the best.

That's all for now 😊

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